How Will Telemedicine Change The Lives Of Medical Professionals In The Future?

Telemedicine will likely result in a vast array of consequences – some exciting and positive, some challenging and even negative – for professionals who work in many different areas of the medical field. The future is very uncertain as technology, and therefore telemedicine, continues to develop and improve at break-neck speed. Many medical professionals will need to retrain, adapt, and evolve in order to cope. The requirements and skills to work (and flourish) within the medical industry will change. Some careers will hugely benefit, other careers will come to an unexpectedly early end. Here are some ways in which telemedicine will change the lives of medical professionals in the future.

Certain Jobs Will Become Obsolete

One of the most dramatic effects of telemedicine on the lives of medical professionals could be that some of them will perhaps end up losing their current jobs. As telemedicine technology improves, many positions within the medical industry may well become obsolete. Traditionally crucial jobs, such as doctor’s surgery receptionists and various types of nurse practitioner, may no longer be needed as more and more consultations are done remotely using telemedicine. Other medical industry jobs may end up being done better (without the possibility of human error) by telemedicine devices or apps. For medical professionals in these positions, it will be necessary to retrain for other positions, either within the medical industry or in another field.

Less Crowding in Emergency Rooms

As telemedicine improves, one of the major benefits will be that ERs will become less busy. More and more patients with minor illnesses that would previously have reported to ER (such as anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, mild food poisoning, or minor sprains) will be diagnosed and treated remotely using telemedicine technology. This will be a great thing for medical professionals who work in ERs, as it will mean that they can work in increasingly calmer and less crowded surroundings. Medical professionals will be able to dedicate more time to treating acutely ill patients who arrive in the ER with life-threatening conditions instead of wasting time dealing with only slightly ill patients who don’t actually need face-to-face emergency treatment.

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Communication methods between physicians and their patients are set to improve through telemedicine.


More Efficient Communication With Patients

Telemedicine will make it much easier for medical professionals to have efficient communication with their patients. Frequent, high-fidelity, comprehensive communication between a physician and their patients will become easier and easier to achieve as telemedicine improves in the future.

Easier to Market to Patients in a Wider Catchment Area

For many medical professionals, improvements in telemedicine technology will massively increase the number of potential patients that they can market their services to. Traditionally, the people physicians could market their services to was limited by geographical proximity. Using telemedicine, a medical professional will be able to work with people on more and more complex consultations from much greater distances. This will particularly benefit medical professionals who offer elective procedures, such as plastic surgeons and aesthetic dentists. The ease with which preoperative consultations for these types of procedures can be done remotely using telemedicine will mean that medical professionals can market to patients all over the world.

Increased Requirement to be Tech-Savvy

For most of medical history, there has been at least some onus on doctors and physicians to stay up-to-date with advances in medical knowledge. In more recent times, and in most fields and jurisdictions, there has been a regulatory requirement that medical professionals undertake regular retraining in order for them to stay abreast of advances and modern best practices. As telemedicine becomes a more and more popular and important part of the overall field of medicine, medical professionals will need to work harder to stay abreast of changes in modern technology. Being tech-savvy will be increasingly crucial for medical professionals of every ilk. Needing to stay up-to-date with advances in technology as well as medical knowledge will mean that in future medical professionals will need to undertake more constant learning and reskilling than ever before.

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Medical practitioners will be required to be even more tech-savvy as telemedicine use grows.

See a Higher Volume of Patients

One of the major advantages of telemedicine over traditional medicine is that telemedicine is far more time-efficient. A telemedicine consultation can often be done in a fraction of the time that a face-to-face consultation would take. As telemedicine improves, more and more different types of consultation will be able to be done in less and less time. This means that the best medical professionals will be able to fit in more patient consultations than ever before. This may result in the most sought-after physicians having more patients and the less sought-after practitioners losing out on patients, and perhaps ultimately their jobs.

Improved Lifestyle Mobility and Schedule Flexibility

Telemedicine will allow many medical professionals to do a lot more of their work remotely. This will allow many people who work within the field to have much greater flexibility within their schedule and also allow them to work from different locations. Increasingly, medical professionals will be able to pick when and from where in the world they work. Physicians performing consultations, using telemedicine, from exotic beaches while they sip cocktails (non-alcoholic, of course) may become common!

When Should You Choose Telemedicine Over Physical Doctor Visits?

Telemedicine is a brand-new initiative redefining the way patients in the U.S. approach health care. It was actually introduced in the 1960s as a way of connecting remotely located patients with medical professionals via phones, and despite not really resembling its former self any longer, the name seems to have stuck. In its modern incarnation, telemedicine is based entirely around digital technology, a field that has witnessed unprecedented development in recent decades. It is now possible to communicate with anyone in the world in a matter of minutes; on top of that, we can now stream our favorite films, television shows, and music instantaneously. Telemedicine provides this same on-demand approach to health care, allowing patients to connect with doctors at their own leisure, and facilitating clinical visits in the comfort of the patient’s own home.

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Telemedicine is a brand-new initiative redefining the way patients in the U.S. approach health care.

There are numerous benefits to telemedicine for both patients and doctors alike. In the first instance, it saves both parties time. Patients no longer have to plan whole days around trips to their doctor’s office; for many people, it takes a lot of effort to visit the doctor, and this problem is only compounded if you happen to live far away from a medical professional. On the flip side, not having to schedule patients for extended visits mean that doctors can see more of them during their working day, as well as saving on costs of admin work. They can also enlist the help of the patient for diagnostic experiments, via the use of particular apps or regular check-ins. This enables doctors to get a broader view of the patient’s symptoms, and also provides peace of mind for the patient; we all know that symptoms never seem to manifest during those 20 minutes we’re inside the doctor’s office!

But that’s not to say that the rise of telemedicine eclipses the need for face-to-face visits with a doctor. Telemedicine is a fantastic tool to be used in conjunction with consultations, particularly at the start of treatment, where patients are mostly concerned with explaining their symptoms to their new doctor. But it is not a replacement for traditional medicine as such. Thus, the question becomes: when exactly should you choose telemedicine over regular doctor visits? This is a crucial question for patients and potential patients to ask themselves, and knowing the correct answer can make all the difference for your medical treatment.

The main advantage of telemedicine, and the one that will likely be the deciding factor of how it’s utilized by individual patients, is its on-demand nature. In this way, it follows in the footsteps of platforms like Netflix and Spotify, which provide the same service for films and music respectively. If you have a pressing or concerning medical problem, telemedicine can help you get a diagnosis quickly; for example, if you have symptoms that come on suddenly and are worrying you, you can easily look to telemedicine in order to receive a fast diagnosis. Obviously, this is not a replacement for the emergency room, and if the symptoms are particularly debilitating, that’s the first place you should head. But telemedicine can be remarkably effective for those symptoms that fall in between – ones that you don’t want to leave any later, but aren’t serious enough to take to the hospital.

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If you have a pressing or concerning (but not life-threatening) medical problem, telemedicine can help you get a diagnosis quickly.

Telemedicine can also be useful for a second opinion, or if you don’t have complete faith in your local doctor or physicist. It helps patients branch out and connect with doctors all over the country, or even the world. This means that patients aren’t tied to their local health care provider, and have a number of options available when selecting a specialist from a family doctor referral. This can provide great peace of mind for many patients, regardless of their condition. When it comes to themselves and their families, every person wants the very best health care they can get their hands on.

Another time to use telemedicine over regular doctor visits is when you’re ordering or reordering a prescription of some kind. We all know what a hassle it is to return to the doctor’s office every time a a prescription needs refilling – but with telemedicine, you can avail of some home delivery prescriptions ordered from the comfort of your living room. Providing you suffer from a qualifying condition, sites like MMJ Recs will dispatch a medical marijuana identification card to you, meaning you can utilize the medicine. Emotional support animals are another form of progressive health care sweeping the nation, relieving patients from symptoms of common mental health disorders. To avail of an emotional support animal, you require what’s known as an ESA letter, which you can also procure via telemedicine, on a site like Moosh.

All in all, telemedicine can be a great asset in the field of health care, and the more patients get familiar with it, the more they’ll trust and use it. Hundreds of telemedicine-based apps are available on a range of devices, so if you’re interested in seeing how telemedicine can benefit you, download some and start trying them out today!

How Telemedicine Can Help People with Social Anxiety

Over 15 million people in the US have been diagnosed with social anxiety. It is a debilitating condition that can greatly impact a person’s social life, relationships, and career. For those with severe symptoms, it can be difficult to even leave the house. Social anxiety can also lead people to shy away from getting help because of the intensity of their symptoms. However, with improvements in telemedicine, online therapy is becoming the answer for many people who want relief from their symptoms. Here’s a look at how telemedicine can help those suffering from social anxiety to get effective, potentially life-changing treatment.

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Telemedicine has come a long way in assisting people with mental health issues and disorders.

What is social anxiety?

There are many misconceptions out there that individuals with social anxiety are just “nervous” people. However, the condition goes much further than someone just being apprehensive about meeting new people or speaking in front of a large group (because who isn’t anxious about those things?). Rather, social anxiety is a chronic mental health condition where social interactions cause irrational anxiety. The emotional effects of this anxiety can differ in intensity, but usually the thoughts revolve around the person fearing that they’re going to be judged. There’s often a tendency to avoid certain activities or people in case of embarrassment or due to fear of failure. Many people have feelings of anxiety before and during events, or just when they’re out in public.

Social anxiety can manifest as intrusive, racing thoughts about being judged or the possibility of looking foolish in front of others. But just as upsetting as these thoughts can be, social anxiety sufferers can also experience intense physical symptoms including blushing, a fast heart rate, sweating, upset stomach and nausea, trouble breathing, dizziness, and muscle tension (among other things) that accompany these thoughts.

Although social anxiety disorder can develop at any age, it’s pretty common for individuals to start noticing these symptoms around adolescence – particularly because this is when teens are faced with big transitions (like entering high school and meeting new friends). There is a tendency for this condition to go undiagnosed because so many individuals consider their nervousness to just be part of their personality. However, the condition can become debilitating when people go out of their way to avoid any or all social situations. Some people can even develop agoraphobia, which prevents them from leaving their homes because of their overwhelming fear of being out in public.

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Accessing mental health services from the safe space of your own home is a huge benefit of telemedicine.

What are the benefits of using online therapy?

There are many reasons online therapy or other telemedicine options can help with the treatment of social anxiety. One of the main benefits is that people with social anxiety are often apprehensive about leaving their homes. Online therapy (whether it’s with a licensed therapist or just an online support group) means that individuals can seek help without having to venture outside. For those who are embarassed by their symptoms or by needing to seek help, telemedicine provides them with the privacy of not having to go outside their home for treatment, so they won’t have to worry about running into people they know.

Another major benefit for using online therapy is the ability to save money. Many online therapists can charge less for their services because they don’t have to spend money on renting an office. There are also less costs for regular office fees. A reduction in therapy costs can be a significant motivator for people to get help when they otherwise wouldn’t.

One other factor is that some people with social anxiety have increased symptoms when they’re around crowds of people – this means that taking public transportation to a therapy appointment can often be a stressful, upsetting experience. So, with telemedicine options, individuals can seek help from their homes without having to worry about traveling to get treatment.

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There are many online services people can use to seek treatment for their social anxiety.

Where can someone go for online help?

There is an increasing number of places online where social anxiety sufferers can go for help. One of the easiest ways is for the individual to first contact their health insurance company. They can help suggest any therapists in the network that offer online or video chat services. If the insurance company is unable to provide any good recommendations, there are other online platforms that specialize in online therapy. One great option is Learn To Live, which offers treatment options for social anxiety (as well as depression and insomnia) all on an online platform. Free assessments are provided to see if the treatment would be beneficial, and then a therapist is assigned to the patient. The treatment offered is CBT-based (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) that works to help the patient develop techniques and tools to better help them manage their symptoms. Web-based CBT has proven to be very effective in the treatment of social anxiety. Another treatment option is TalkSpace, which offers not only video chat therapy but also text messaging therapy (which can run as low as $49 a week – much less than traditional in-person sessions!).

If someone is looking for support with social anxiety but doesn’t think they need to work specifically with a therapist, there are also online support groups that can be very beneficial. These groups (including ones found on Facebook) can provide an understanding network of people who can relate and help provide suggestions regarding social anxiety symptoms. These online resources are often easier to fit into daily life than in-person groups.

Telemedicine and online therapy options can help provide a great deal of benefits for those suffering from social anxiety disorder. For help with the management and alleviation of symptoms, research these options for effective, convenient, and less costly treatment.

7 Reasons Telemedicine Is Becoming So Popular

Telemedicine – the marriage of medicine with modern telecommunications technology – is growing in popularity all the time. The advent of the internet and the explosion in technological innovation that it heralded has changed the world in so many ways. Many areas of day-to-day life have been thoroughly transformed by communications tech. Medicine is certainly one of these areas, and in myriad ways, health care provision looks totally different today than it did a mere decade ago. These changes have really benefited patients and health care professionals by making it possible to receive and deliver extremely effective health care in more efficient ways than ever before. Here are 7 reasons telemedicine is becoming so popular.

Constantly Improving Technology

The first reason telemedicine is becoming more and more popular is because the service provided is improving all the time. Every year, technology makes huge advances and so telemedicine provision gets better, quicker, and more effective. With the advent of newer, better telemedicine apps and more cutting-edge forms of technology, telemedicine provision is going from strength to strength. People have more options now than ever before and what can be achieved using telemedicine is more impressive than ever. Due to this ever-improving service, telemedicine is continuously getting more popular.

More Choice

A big reason for telemedicine’s ever-increasing popularity with patients is the fact that it opens up a vast world of choice for them. No longer is a person limited to consulting with one of a small group of health care professionals that just happen to be located near to where they live. Using telemedicine apps, people can choose to be treated by medical professionals located in any area of the country, or the world, no matter how far away. This means that people now have a vast amount of choice in who they deal with, and this increased choice is proving very popular with patients.


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More People Choosing to Live “Off the Grid”

With the advent of the internet and ever-improving telecommunications technology, an increasing number of people are choosing to escape the rat-race by moving out of big, crowded cities and working remotely from smaller towns and villages, rural areas, and even wildernesses, both at home and abroad, where they can enjoy a more relaxed and laid-back lifestyle. For this small (but ever-growing) army of digital nomads and remote workers, telemedicine is proving to be an invaluable way to receive the health care they need while living and working in a small, remote or foreign location that may not have many local health care options.

Time Savings

One of the main reasons for the increase in popularity of telemedicine is, of course, the fact that it is a huge time-saver. Consulting with a health care professional from the comfort of your own home or office using telemedicine takes far less time than traveling to a doctor’s surgery, clinic, or hospital for a traditional, face-to-face consultation. In today’s busy world, many people have very hectic schedules, so any way to save time is very valuable. With improving technology, telemedicine services are only getting quicker and quicker, so more and more people are choosing to avail of telemedicine as an excellent time-saving tool.

Money Savings

Telemedicine can be a lot cheaper than traditional medicine. With more choice comes increased competition. Due to the larger market that telemedicine opens up, competition is increased and this forces prices down. A small cabal of doctors in a small town can charge a higher price for their services, but if telemedicine is increasing competition by providing the consumer with access to medical professionals from anywhere in the country, then the price of all health care will tend to be forced down.


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Avoid Doctors’ Surgeries

More and more people are happily utilizing the opportunity to avoid doctors’ surgeries. Telemedicine allows people to stay away from hospitals, clinics, and surgeries and the germs and viruses that these places often harbor. It is not uncommon to enter a hospital with one illness and pick up a new virus while being treated in the hospital. Avoiding this unpleasant possibility is very attractive to a lot of people. Telemedicine is providing people with the opportunity to stay comfortable and virus-free in their own home.

Convenient For Patients With Mobility Problems

For patients with disabilities or mobility problems, getting to a hospital or surgery can be a major inconvenience. Telemedicine is proving to be more and more popular with people in this situation, as it allows them to consult quickly and effectively with health care professionals without needing to go through the hassle of traveling to a destination that may or may not be disabled-user-friendly.

Telemedicine and Technology: What The Future Holds For Online Consultations

Telemedicine first became possible 20 years ago with the advent of modern internet-based communications technology. Since its inception, telemedicine has exploded in popularity and is now a vast industry that continues to grow at an ever-accelerating pace. For millions of people in the United States and around the world, being able to use telemedicine to receive medical care remotely via high-powered communications technology is a genuine godsend.

Growth in the telemedicine sector is happening exponentially, in tight lockstep with growth in technology that is fascinating, aiding, worrying, and even terrifying us in equal measures. As technology advances and becomes more spectacularly powerful, so the possibilities for developing and improving telemedicine become more and more thrilling. In a sense, we are only limited by our imaginations. So, what may the future hold for telemedicine and online consultations?

It is important to realize that this move away from face-to-face consultations and increasing dependence on modern technology, machines, and robots is certainly not something unique to the world of medicine and health care. The nature of how we communicate and work in the modern world is changing rapidly, profoundly, and permanently. While our lives become more and more convenient and our array of choices more and more boundless, many jobs are becoming obsolete. When is the last time you had your groceries scanned by a human at Walmart? Or used a traditional taxi cab company? Or waited in line at your local bank branch? Apps and machines are changing how we live in so many ways, and due to this, many people are having to rethink how they go about earning a living. Self-driving trucks are already in operation, and when they become widespread, as surely they must, many truck drivers around the world will lose their jobs. People who work in certain sectors of the health care industry will be affected by the unstoppable rise of telemedicine, but to what extent and in what ways, only time will tell.

Like in most industries, face-to-face consulting will become less necessary in health care as technology advances and grows. Telemedicine will enable more and more advanced consultations and procedures to be undertaken remotely. And while there are advantages to face-to-face consultations, overall, increasing people’s ability to consult remotely will bring huge benefits to the majority of patients. The more of a person’s health care needs that can be met using telemedicine, the more time and hassle they save, the more access people living remotely can have to the best health care, and the more choice all patients will have when deciding what type of care is best for them.


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Telemedicine has many benefits for people all around the world.

As people’s attitudes towards technology change and they become increasingly comfortable with performing the majority of their advanced tasks of life online, increasing amounts of people will become willing to avail of telemedicine. The more tech-savvy the population becomes, the happier people will be to get their crucial health care needs met online. After all, it was only ten years ago that most people were very apprehensive about paying for goods online using their credit card details, and now practically everybody buys a large amount of their goods online through sites like Amazon and eBay. In the no-too-distant future, online medical consultations will be the norm. We may even soon have a generation of citizens who have never had the experience of queuing in a doctor’s waiting room!

Online consultations will continue to become quicker and more time-efficient. Time savings are a huge motivation for modern patients, and so telemedicine will continue to provide ways and means of speeding up medical consultations. Predictive algorithms will read the patient’s mind and provide answers to questions that they have not even realized they want to ask yet!

As more and more detailed info becomes transferable online, doctors will be able to do advanced consultations remotely. Patients will have apps on their smartphone that can detect their symptoms and determine their physical condition, and then relay this information instantly to their examining physician anywhere in the world.


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As technology advances, so too does telemedicine.

As robots become smarter, patients will have less need to deal with flesh and blood human medical professionals at all. It is highly conceivable that most telemedicine consultations will be done with an embarrassingly intelligent (and presumably extremely personable!) robo-doctor within the next decade – this is already happening in the world of investing, where robo-advisors are giving people the best possible advice on what to do with their life savings.

These are just some of the developments the future holds for online medical consultations. Telemedicine and technology will continue to grow at an exponential rate, and while interesting predictions can be made, the future will surely be even more fantastic and exciting than anyone can currently imagine. Watch this space!

6 Ways Telemedicine Can Improve MMJ Patients’ Lives

Many people in the US use medical marijuana to ease the symptoms of a physical or psychological condition. MMJ is widely used to treat psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia, as well as physical conditions such as chronic pain, glaucoma, and muscle spasms. Laws that legalize the use of medical cannabis are rolling out across the nation, state by state, at a rapid rate. Now, over half of the states in America allow some type of medical cannabis usage.

The rise of medical marijuana has coincided happily with the rise of telemedicine. In fact, you could say that telemedicine and medical marijuana are a match made in heaven. Here are six ways telemedicine can improve MMJ patients’ lives.

Telemedicine is a Godsend For MMJ Patients With Mobility Issues

Many medical marijuana users have mobility issues. Lots of people use MMJ to alleviate the discomfort associated with conditions that hamper mobility such as arthritis, chronic pain, muscle spasms, broken limbs, and being an amputee. For these people, getting to their local doctor’s office or MMJ dispensary can be a difficult ordeal packed with challenges, obstacles, and hassles. Telemedicine massively improves the lives of these MMJ patients by giving them the option to consult with their doctor, and even to order their MMJ, online or over the phone from their home.

Telemedicine Makes Life Much Easier For MMJ Patients Who Live in Remote Locations

Many legal MMJ states, such as California, Alaska, and Nevada, are large and have lots of wilderness. In states like these, a lot of medical cannabis patients live in very remote areas, far from their nearest doctor’s office or MMJ dispensary. Telemedicine makes life much easier for these people. They can consult with their physician online from their home instead of traveling for many hours to meet face-to-face. They can also contact their dispensary online to ask questions, check menus and merchandise, and even make orders.

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Telemedicine De-Clutters MMJ Dispensaries

People can now contact their local medical marijuana dispensary using their smartphone or mobile device. This form of telemedicine means that patients do not need to take a trip to their local MMJ dispensary to pick up their prescription or get some advice. MMJ dispensaries are always keen to educate their patients about the newest developments in the MMJ world, and this can now be done using telemedicine. As well as receiving information via telemedicine, many dispensaries will take orders online and even make deliveries. This results in a much quicker and more streamlined service for MMJ patients, as well as dispensaries that are less hectic and cluttered.

Telemedicine Gives MMJ Patients Far More Choice

Telemedicine allows MMJ patients to consult with specialist doctors and dispensaries in any part of their state. Many localities, even in MMJ-friendly states such as California, Colorado, and Florida, have only a small selection of doctors and dispensaries. In smaller, more rural locales, the choice of what doctor a person can visit is very limited. Also, some locations do not yet have a local dispensary, or if they do, it often does not have the wide selection of MMJ treats that other dispensaries in larger towns and cities have. Telemedicine gives people a far wider choice of what doctor they consult with and which dispensary they can purchase their MMJ products from.

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Telemedicine is a Giant Time Saver

Traveling to the doctor’s office, waiting in line, and then having a consultation in person can be a very time-consuming undertaking. Telemedicine really improves the lives of MMJ patients who have tight schedules and need to save as much time as possible. Instead of the multi-hour commitment of visiting a doctor in person, an MMJ patient can use telemedicine and have a consultation in a matter of minutes. Patients can also save time by consulting with their local dispensary using telemedicine.

Telemedicine Makes Waiting in a Doctor’s Waiting Room Unnecessary

Many MMJ users have medical conditions that are not contagious in any way. But when they visit a doctor’s office, they are subjected to airborne viruses and germs that can actually make them sicker than they were before they came. People with psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, or insomnia are often otherwise physically healthy. And people with pain conditions and chronic issues such as backache, glaucoma, muscle spasms, and arthritis are often healthy apart from their chronic condition. The last thing these people need is to pick up a cold or flu every time they need to consult with their doctor or pick up a repeat prescription. Telemedicine allows MMJ patients to consult with their doctor without having to queue up in a stuffy, virus-infested waiting room. This certainly makes the lives of MMJ patients much better.

5 Ways Telemedicine Is Superior to Traditional Medicine

Telemedicine has become hugely popular over the last few years. Being able to consult with a doctor from a remote location via the internet has saved a lot of people a great deal of time and effort. There are many ways telemedicine is superior to traditional medicine.

Traditional medicine has, of course, taken us one heck of a long way. It has developed, changed, and grown, and in so doing has improved our lives immeasurably. It’s not all that long ago that people were having limbs amputated without anesthetic, undergoing pointless and harmful frontal lobotomies, and dying of common colds! Today, miraculous synthetic limbs are making the lives of amputees much easier, brain surgeons are removing tumors from deep inside the fragile (and, until recently, impenetrable and barely understood) brain, and the mortality rates from diseases such as colds, flus, and stomach bugs are close to zero. Even cancer is now well understood and often treatable. Traditional medicine is a testament to the enormous potential of humankind. The visionaries who work tirelessly and dedicate their lives to growing and expanding this field are real heroes to whom we all owe a great deal.

But traditional medicine has some limitations. Most of these are to do with logistics and time. And this is where telemedicine comes in to improve things greatly. Here are five ways in which telemedicine is superior to traditional medicine.

Telemedicine is a Massive Time Saver

In today’s world, most people are busy, busy, busy! Time is of the essence for those who are juggling jobs, families, and numerous other commitments. For these overloaded people, every minute of time they can save is useful. Telemedicine in the USA saves busy people a lot of precious time. Traveling to a hospital or doctor’s office is often a stressful undertaking that eats up several hours of someone’s day. But consulting with a medical professional online, via an app, or over the phone using telemedicine can be done in barely any time at all. A vital telemedicine consultation can be over and done with in less than 15 minutes, from the comfort of your own home. 

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The last thing you want when seeking medical care is to pick up an extra unwanted virus or bug! Luckily, you can avoid this by using telemedicine services.


Telemedicine Allows People to Avoid Germs and Viruses Lurking in Hospitals and Doctors’ Offices

The beauty of telemedicine is that you can use it from any place, at any time. And this means that in many situations, you’ll be able to have all your medical needs met remotely, and therefore not need to spend any time at all waiting in a doctor’s office or hospital, marinating in the germs and viruses that tend to call the air and surfaces there “home.” By using telemedicine, you can avoid the secondary illnesses that often result from spending time in a doctor’s office or hospital.

Telemedicine Gives Patients a Vast Amount of Choice

Using telemedicine, a patient can consult with a doctor or physician from almost anywhere in the entire United States (or even the world!). Many people live in localities that have an unimpressive selection of local doctors. Some people do not particularly like dealing with any of the medical professionals in their own neighborhood or town. Also, people often require the services of highly specialized physicians, but they live in a city where no such specialists operate. Telemedicine opens up a whole world of options and gives patients a vast amount of choice.



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For those living in remote areas, telemedicine can be a real lifesaver.

Telemedicine is a Lifesaver For Folks Who Live in Remote Locations

Telemedicine is vastly superior to traditional medicine for people who live in remote areas of the country. Many rural folks live in places that are a multi-hour or even multi-day drive from their nearest suitable medical practice. For these people, going to the doctor’s office to receive traditional medical care is extremely inconvenient. People in remote locations are often busy farmers with tight schedules, so traveling for days to see a doctor is barely an option. Telemedicine allows these folks to consult with a physician anywhere in the world, right from their own isolated outpost… in a matter of seconds!

Telemedicine Makes Life Much Easier For Immobile Patients

For people with mobility issues, such as wheelchair users and folks who require disabled parking, getting to a doctor’s office or hospital can be a taxing ordeal. Even with handicap parking and ramps, it can require a herculean effort for folks with mobility issues to get around. Telemedicine is much better than traditional medicine at catering to these people. Using telemedicine, an immobile person can get a lot of their medical needs met in a hassle-free manner from the comfort of their own home.

Could Telemedicine Change How We Treat Autism?

Experts estimate that a growing number of children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) every year. A recent Center for Disease Control (CDC) study gave the number as 1 in 68 (or 14.6 per 1,000) school-age children with an ASD diagnosis. Although researchers’ opinions differ on whether this is due to an increase in cases or just better diagnosing tools, the fact remains that there are many children who need consistent treatment for their autism symptoms. Some autism specialists are turning to telemedicine options to help improve their treatment regimens, leading many to wonder if telemedicine could become the new frontier in treating autism.

ASD is a serious developmental disorder that affects an individual’s ability to communicate and interact appropriately with others. Some symptoms include an impact on the nervous system, obsessive interests, and repetitive behaviors. Because the disorder exists on a spectrum, the range and severity of symptoms can vary widely depending on the individual. Some treatments, like behavioral and educational therapies, are used to help reduce symptoms and encourage development and learning. Because specific therapies are recommended for treatment, families are faced with finding appropriate therapists or specialists to take their children to. This can be a daunting task if the family lives in a rural area or does not have access to these types of programs.

This is where telemedicine comes in. Telemedicine is the use of technology (particularly video chats with physicians or specialists) to help with the treatment of physical or mental illnesses. They can include video or email communications with a treatment team, online monitoring of symptoms, medication check-ins, and many more options. Telemedicine can be incredibly helpful for individuals who don’t have immediate access to the best and highest-quality health care. It can also help families save money, because these options cost less than traditional doctor’s office visits. These savings can be found because individuals don’t have to pay for transportation or for doctor’s office fees that are often accrued each time they visit a physician or specialist. Using telemedicine options also means that families don’t have to dedicate as much time to driving to appointments – they can be scheduled at more convenient times for the caregivers. This, in turn, can create less stress on the family, because the treatment is more tailor-made to the family and the child’s needs.

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With advances in telemedicine, treatments and programs for children with autism are improving.

Specialists who treat children with autism are relying more and more on telemedicine to help better reach and treat their patients. Vanderbilt Kennedy Center’s Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders (TRIAD) in Nashville, Tennessee is currently using telemedicine in their treatment regimens. They mail an iPad on a tripod that can be controlled remotely to families they’re treating. The specialists then conduct hour-long behavioral therapy appointments remotely from their office using the iPads as cameras.

The telemedicine program is being funded by a $3.25 million grant from the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE). The motivation was that TRIAD could expand rapid remote diagnostic evaluations, so that families in rural or ‘low-resource’ areas would have more access to services. Researchers have found that this form of telemedicine has been effective, partly because younger patients are able to be treated right in their own homes, where they feel the most comfortable. Additionally, they’ve found that costs have been cut because of reductions in travel expenses as well.

Another study funded by the National Institutes of Health is being conducted by researchers at Purdue University to determine if telemedicine can be used to diagnose autism in infants. The five-year study will give selected parents of high-risk babies (with fragile X or neurogenic syndromes) a telehealth kit, which includes a tablet, heart monitor, LENA vocal recorder and vest, tools to collect saliva, and toys. The families taking part in the project will be educated on how to use all of the items. They’ll also be instructed on how to use eye movement exercises and heart activity monitoring to help track their child’s attention and play behaviors, as well as social communication and motor skills.

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Telemedicine can also help as a diagnostic tool.

The project’s lead researcher, Bridgette Tonnsen, said, “We are partnering with the parents to coach them on how to do the research in their homes where the children will be more comfortable rather than traveling long distance to a lab. This will be more efficient, cost-effective, more family-friendly, and, I think, as a result we will be able to collect more powerful data.”

So, not only could telemedicine help once a child is diagnosed with autism (or on the spectrum), research like this could actually help to diagnose infants as well. This is crucial, since early intervention can be imperative in starting the child early on treatments and therapies that will be most effective for the alleviation of their symptoms. Whether telemedicine is being used to diagnose or to treat, it’s helping to change autism treatment for the better.

How Telemedicine is Helping Patients in Remote Locations

Seeing a doctor is not always the easiest thing to do. It is also often not at the top of people’s list of priorities, especially in a non-emergency situation. Busy professionals rarely have time to visit the doctor, and this problem is often compounded by medical professionals who have inflexible opening hours that don’t really work for people with traditional nine-to-five jobs. These issues are also made worse if patients have mobility issues or are living in remote locations where access to all kinds of services is difficult, never mind health care. This is why many people living in remote locations are now turning to telemedicine to make their lives easier.

Simply put, telemedicine is the combination of medical or diagnostic advice with telecommunications technology. It is currently experiencing a huge surge thanks to the proliferation of smartphones, but has been used since the advent of telecommunications technology, usually in warzones or other areas where it is difficult to bring medics in-person. Nowadays, people who live in remote locations are using telemedicine to access health care in ways they never thought possible.

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Telemedicine has many benefits, especially for people who live in remote locations.

There are many advantages to living in remote locations, including the peace and quiet and the freedom of total privacy – but the truth is that there just isn’t the same level of accessibility as there is in a more built-up area. People living in cities take for granted the services that those living remotely have to travel some distance for. This can be particularly problematic for health care services, especially if you work in a job that doesn’t allow for a lot of flexibility in taking time off for medical appointments.

Telemedicine is perfect for people who live in remote locations because all you need is a smartphone and an internet connection, which most people have these days. Depending on the type of service you use, you will either make an appointment with a specific service provider or else use a drop-in clinic. Either way, you might have to wait in a virtual waiting room before being able to meet your doctor. From there, it’ll be exactly the same as a face-to-face consultation, except you’ll be talking to your doctor via the camera on your smartphone. They’ll ask why you’re seeing someone and give you the same advice an in-person medical professional will. They may ask you to use the camera to show them specific physical symptoms if needed and will answer any questions you may have.

People in remote locations can often be unsure as to whether they need secondary care and may be unwilling to take the chance due to the long journey time, but telemedical professionals can easily refer you to a specialist if needed. Instead of wasting your time traveling to a primary care physician and then having to go to a specialist, a telemedical doctor can properly ascertain your need to make this trip while you’re comfortable in your own home. They can also make your life easier by forwarding all correspondence directly to your secondary physician and can link in with your pharmacy, meaning that prescriptions will be ready and waiting for you as soon as you get there, as opposed to having to wait lengthy times for them to be prepared.

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As long as you have a smartphone and an internet connection, medical consultations are just a tap away.

Seeking specialist care can often be problematic for people living in remote areas, but telemedicine connects patients to doctors who can give them the specific care they need for their ailments. For people who require care that is not traditional, such as medical marijuana or emotional support animals, there is a wealth of medical professionals operating via telemedicine who can give you the advice that you need in an unbiased, non-judgmental way. This can be especially helpful for patients of primary care physicians who may be unwilling to try innovative forms of treatment. If you suffer from a condition that has various treatments, it can often be intimidating to ask your doctor to help you access something like medical marijuana. Being able to speak to someone who specializes in this area, especially from the comfort of your own home, can be very helpful and therapeutic for people who might otherwise be too nervous to advocate for themselves.

It may sometimes feel odd to speak to a doctor via a camera, but once you start, you’ll wonder why you haven’t done it sooner. Telemedicine allows people from various backgrounds and locations to connect with health care like never before, and if you’re living somewhere remote, it’s the perfect solution to a problem you might not even know you have, freeing up your spare time for things that really matter. It’s affordable, accessible, and a great option for every type of patient, so what are you waiting for?

Using Telemedicine with a Physical Disability

To be physically disabled in a world that doesn’t always cater to you can be a frustrating experience. There are countless ways you can face discrimination on a daily basis, from lack of access to buildings to inadequate public transport, and these problems are only exacerbated if you live in an isolated area. The good news is that access to health care doesn’t need to be dependent on your ability to get to a doctor’s clinic, thanks to advances in telemedicine.

What is telemedicine? Put simply, it is the combination of telecommunications technology with diagnostic or health care advice. It has been used for a long time, mostly in emergency situations such as warzones or natural disasters when medics cannot access patients and have to make do with radio advice. However, thanks to the explosion in popularity of smartphones, telemedicine is now a mainstream means by which patients of all kinds are accessing medical advice.

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Telemedicine can make it much easier for people with physical disabilities to access health care and medical advice.

Using telemedicine with a physical disability will depend on your ability to use a smartphone, but there’s no reason not to get assistance from a family member, friend, or carer who you trust to be present for your health care conversations. Once you’re comfortable in starting your consultation, you simply log on and get started. You sign up to the website of your choice and either wait in a virtual waiting room or get connected immediately to a doctor. They will speak to you via the camera on your phone and ask questions to get a sense of your medical history. You will get the opportunity to discuss your impairments with your doctor openly and they will be able to get a sense of how your disability impacts your life. If you need further testing, they will be able to refer you to a specialist, but can remain your primary care physician.

Telemedical doctors are very integrated with secondary services, which means that it’s a lot easier for patients, both disabled and able-bodied, to link in with specialists. They will send referral letters directly to the specialist doctors, meaning you don’t have to inconvenience yourself with having to schedule your own appointments. They will also link in with pharmacies to send your prescriptions straight to them so you don’t have to wait for your medications to be prepared. They’ll be ready and waiting for you as soon as you get to the pharmacy.

Another perk of telemedicine is that it tends to be a lot more affordable than traditional health care. If you’re living with a disability, you may have to spend a lot of money to make your life happy and comfortable, and you’re better off keeping that money for your self-care instead of unnecessarily spending it on doctors who are not acting in your best interests or convenience. Imagine a world where you can splurge on a fancy dinner instead of a doctor’s appointment!

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If you have a smartphone, medical professionals are now literally at your fingertips through the advent of telemedicine.

If you’re someone who has a physical disability, it will be inevitable that you will have to see doctors in person from time to time, but telemedicine gives you the flexibility to be able to see someone in more convenient circumstances. If you’re using telemedicine as well as other specialists, they will be able to be kept in the loop with one another thanks to the ways telemedical providers store their records. This also means that you’ll be able to access the records however and whenever you want to, instead of having to jump through hoops, as is often the case at a traditional primary care physician’s office.

If you are living in a remote area or you have trouble with your mobility, it can be difficult to get to your doctor’s office, especially if your physical disability is causing you additional issues. Traditional primary care physicians often have opening hours that coincide with office hours, so it’s also very difficult for people who work full-time to make their way to a doctor’s office. Telemedicine allows you to see a doctor from the comfort of your own home, meaning that you don’t have to take time off work or push your body further than it needs to go for the sake of seeing a doctor in person.

If you don’t allow your disability to hold you back in other areas of your life, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t use telemedicine to receive the best health care possible while avoiding the inconvenience of having to see a doctor in person. Telemedicine is an excellent way to empower yourself and to take back control instead of making yourself fit into a mold that just isn’t convenient for you.

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