Telemedicine In California: Everything You Need To Know

Telemedicine has been taking the medical world by storm in recent years, and with good reason; it completely revolutionizes the way we practice medicine in the United States of America. Taking its cues from a 1960s initiative that saw doctors linking up with remote patients via telecommunications (which essentially meant ‘phones’ back in the day), telemedicine is a way of providing on-demand health care to patients not just in remote places, but everywhere and anywhere that could benefit from instantaneous communications with doctors and healthcare professionals. As it stands in 2018, telemedicine is almost entirely digitized, and acts as a mediator between patients and doctors. But is it the same in every state in the U.S., and if not, how exactly does the most populous state in the country, the Golden State, deal with it? What is the state of telemedicine in California today?

The first thing to remember when discussing telemedicine anywhere is that it is viewed as a tool in medical practice, not a distinct or separate form of medicine in and of itself. This is very much the case with telemedicine in California, where the utilization and implementation of telemedicine goes back to 1992. That year, the University of California-Davis progressed a telemedicine program based around monitoring fetuses, especially designed for rural communities, which saw a link between the UC Davis Medical Center and a Colusa community hospital. Based on the success of that initiative, Sacramento-based Kaiser Permanente launched a home telemedicine program, while Blue Cross of California and the prison system followed their lead by introducing their own specific telemedicine programs.

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Telemedicine is viewed as a tool in medical practice, not a distinct or separate form of medicine in and of itself.

In response to this growing demand, the California government decided that new legislature was needed, and a few years later, it passed the Telemedicine Development Act of 1996. This Act set much of the groundwork for the way telemedicine is practiced in the state today, and although it is a relatively new phenomenon in the field of medicine, this important piece of legislature was crucial in getting it up and running in a safe and legal manner. It imposes a few baseline requirements, such as health care plans not necessarily requiring face-to-face contact between patient and doctor (telemedicine in a nutshell), and that every patient on the receiving end of telemedicinal care must sign a written consent form.

A few years later, as digital technology continued to increase and improve, the state of California doubled down on its telemedicine bills and created a new one: The Telehealth Advancement Act of 2011. This Act clarified several definitions in relation to telemedicine in the state, and also expanded the initiative to include the term ‘telehealth’, which provided an umbrella term for telemedicine in general. Most importantly of all, it mandated private payer remuneration for telehealth services, which was a major boost for both patients and doctors alike. It also decreed that meetings between patients and doctors didn’t necessarily have to take place in licensed health care facilities. With this, telemedicine in California became more widely available, and set the framework for expedited growth in the years to come. In a few states, a person-to-person physical exam is required before a doctor and a patient can begin treatment via telemedicine; this is not the case in California, where relationships may be established solely through telemedicine and remain legitimate.

A number of different practitioners can provide telemedicinal care in the state of California – they just have to be licensed under Division 2 of the state’s Healing Arts statute. This remit includes doctors, nurses, chiropractors, midwives, dieticians, nutritionists, dentists, and more. The type of telemedicine available in the state is wide and varied, and can be applied to almost every form of health care available. Everything from clinical consultations to medical marijuana from sites like MMJ Recs constitutes telehealth, bringing California way ahead of the curve when it comes to the initiative. California is also a huge state; this makes it a perfect area to benefit from telemedicine’s other major advantage – the widening availability of specialists.

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A number of different practitioners can provide care via telemedicine in California.

Previously, especially in rural areas, patients were limited to seeing the specialist who was nearest to them. As many conditions require a specialist, whether they appear serious or not, this was severely limiting for some patients, who might not have had the opportunity to shop around for a specialist that suited them, by necessity of their location. In 2018, there is a huge range of specialists available via telemedicine, and they’re not limited the nearest one available. On top of that, patients can engage with specialists when and where they want to, as opposed to being put on a long list for a physical visit that could be months or even years away.

All in all, the future for telemedicine in California looks bright. Hopefully some other states will start taking some cues from the Golden State, and incorporate its embracing and acceptance of telemedicine into their own programs.

Will Telemedicine Ever Overtake Traditional Health Care?

Medical advancements are happening all the time. At this very moment, teams of scientists and researchers all over the world are hard at work, attempting to find treatments and cures for a number of malicious diseases. While nobody knows how far off we are from curing cancer, the most devastating, prevalent disease of them all, we are certainly close to finding remedies for long-time afflictions like Alzheimer’s, or at least slowing them down considerably. Like many other industries in 2018, the medical field is constantly in flux, developing all the time. One of the most exciting developments to emerge in recent years is telemedicine, a movement that digitizes health care, making it more accessible for both patients and doctors. But as telemedicine usage increases, will it ever overtake tried-and-tested, traditional health care?

When we talk about telemedicine, the first thing to remember is that it isn’t actually some new-fangled initiative. It actually dates back decades, to the 60s – and if you think about it that way, the name ‘telemedicine’ does sound like something older rather then modern. It was initially a way for doctors to communicate with remote patients via telecommunications, without the need to see them at home; the practice was considered an outlier service for many years, only being used sporadically. However, with the recent advent of digital technology, telecommunications came back with a bang. Not only was remote communication now all the rage, it could actually be instilled in a meaningful way for patients and doctors alike.

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Telemedicine is a perfect addition to the current array of digital advancements, and has already seen significant application in the field.

The name telemedicine is still used, but in practice it’s actually more like health care on-demand. In fact, the new form of telemedicine bears very little resemblance to the old. It also utilizes a number of digital technologies, not just telecommunications, to bring health care to a wide array of patients all over the world. Many industries have been bolstered by an on-demand type of service; Netflix and other on-demand platforms have dominated traditional TV, almost to the point of extinction, and people are much happier because of it. CDs are a rarity these days, as Spotify and music streaming platforms have assumed control of that particular industry. It’s clear we are moving towards a more fluid, connected society, where the traditional barriers between consumer and service are coming down. Telemedicine is a perfect addition to this array of digital advancements, and has already seen significant application in the field.

Telemedicine is aiding patients in a number of varied ways. Some examples of this can be found in the prescription of medical marijuana, which can now be obtained (in MMJ-legal states) over the internet from outlets like MMJ Recs. The situation is similar when it comes to emotional support animals; this progressive new therapy for mental health patients involves easing the symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and bipolar disorder with the presence of an animal, who serves as a companion and consistent source of comfort for the patients. To register as an ESA owner, you need a verified document from a medical professional, known as an ESA letter. This can also be procured via telemedicine, from a site like Moosh, making it easier for patients to avail of this service from the comfort of their home.

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Emotional support animals are a progressive new therapy for mental health patients.

The benefits of telemedicine are many and obvious. But the real question here is: will telemedicine ever overtake traditional, face-to-face health care? In short, the answer is no. Traditional health care is invaluable to patients and doctors, and nothing will likely ever replace face-to-face consultations; they are the best way for a doctor to appraise their patient’s state and the disorder they’re affected by, and it will remain that way for the foreseeable future. It is impossible to provide telemedicinal healthcare for every type of ailment; the more serious ones invariably (and sometimes inevitably) involve surgery and other physical interventions that telemedicine, in its current state, just can’t match.

It is best, then, to see telemedicine as an extremely valuable health care tool, rather than a usurper to the traditional health care system. It is designed to work hand-in-hand with physical consultations, not to replace them fully, and while it holds many advantages over them, it is still only a method to optimize patient care, not overhaul it completely. Telemedicine is a lifesaver for patients living remotely; via only an internet connection and a device, it allows them to contact a health care professional and have any worrying symptoms checked out immediately. It also grants patients better access to specialists; previously, if you lived in a rural area, there would usually be only one or two specialists in close proximity at your disposal. With the advent of telemedicine, a whole spectrum of specialists become available to patients, no matter where they are in the world.

Although we’re all still learning the ropes when it comes to digital technology, it’s apparent that it’s here to stay. Telemedicine provides a way of integrating this developing field with traditional health care. By taking the best of both worlds to create a new health care structure, the future looks bright for patients.

6 Ways Telemedicine Can Improve MMJ Patients’ Lives

Many people in the US use medical marijuana to ease the symptoms of a physical or psychological condition. MMJ is widely used to treat psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia, as well as physical conditions such as chronic pain, glaucoma, and muscle spasms. Laws that legalize the use of medical cannabis are rolling out across the nation, state by state, at a rapid rate. Now, over half of the states in America allow some type of medical cannabis usage.

The rise of medical marijuana has coincided happily with the rise of telemedicine. In fact, you could say that telemedicine and medical marijuana are a match made in heaven. Here are six ways telemedicine can improve MMJ patients’ lives.

Telemedicine is a Godsend For MMJ Patients With Mobility Issues

Many medical marijuana users have mobility issues. Lots of people use MMJ to alleviate the discomfort associated with conditions that hamper mobility such as arthritis, chronic pain, muscle spasms, broken limbs, and being an amputee. For these people, getting to their local doctor’s office or MMJ dispensary can be a difficult ordeal packed with challenges, obstacles, and hassles. Telemedicine massively improves the lives of these MMJ patients by giving them the option to consult with their doctor, and even to order their MMJ, online or over the phone from their home.

Telemedicine Makes Life Much Easier For MMJ Patients Who Live in Remote Locations

Many legal MMJ states, such as California, Alaska, and Nevada, are large and have lots of wilderness. In states like these, a lot of medical cannabis patients live in very remote areas, far from their nearest doctor’s office or MMJ dispensary. Telemedicine makes life much easier for these people. They can consult with their physician online from their home instead of traveling for many hours to meet face-to-face. They can also contact their dispensary online to ask questions, check menus and merchandise, and even make orders.

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Telemedicine De-Clutters MMJ Dispensaries

People can now contact their local medical marijuana dispensary using their smartphone or mobile device. This form of telemedicine means that patients do not need to take a trip to their local MMJ dispensary to pick up their prescription or get some advice. MMJ dispensaries are always keen to educate their patients about the newest developments in the MMJ world, and this can now be done using telemedicine. As well as receiving information via telemedicine, many dispensaries will take orders online and even make deliveries. This results in a much quicker and more streamlined service for MMJ patients, as well as dispensaries that are less hectic and cluttered.

Telemedicine Gives MMJ Patients Far More Choice

Telemedicine allows MMJ patients to consult with specialist doctors and dispensaries in any part of their state. Many localities, even in MMJ-friendly states such as California, Colorado, and Florida, have only a small selection of doctors and dispensaries. In smaller, more rural locales, the choice of what doctor a person can visit is very limited. Also, some locations do not yet have a local dispensary, or if they do, it often does not have the wide selection of MMJ treats that other dispensaries in larger towns and cities have. Telemedicine gives people a far wider choice of what doctor they consult with and which dispensary they can purchase their MMJ products from.

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Telemedicine is a Giant Time Saver

Traveling to the doctor’s office, waiting in line, and then having a consultation in person can be a very time-consuming undertaking. Telemedicine really improves the lives of MMJ patients who have tight schedules and need to save as much time as possible. Instead of the multi-hour commitment of visiting a doctor in person, an MMJ patient can use telemedicine and have a consultation in a matter of minutes. Patients can also save time by consulting with their local dispensary using telemedicine.

Telemedicine Makes Waiting in a Doctor’s Waiting Room Unnecessary

Many MMJ users have medical conditions that are not contagious in any way. But when they visit a doctor’s office, they are subjected to airborne viruses and germs that can actually make them sicker than they were before they came. People with psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, or insomnia are often otherwise physically healthy. And people with pain conditions and chronic issues such as backache, glaucoma, muscle spasms, and arthritis are often healthy apart from their chronic condition. The last thing these people need is to pick up a cold or flu every time they need to consult with their doctor or pick up a repeat prescription. Telemedicine allows MMJ patients to consult with their doctor without having to queue up in a stuffy, virus-infested waiting room. This certainly makes the lives of MMJ patients much better.

How Telemedicine is Helping Patients in Remote Locations

Seeing a doctor is not always the easiest thing to do. It is also often not at the top of people’s list of priorities, especially in a non-emergency situation. Busy professionals rarely have time to visit the doctor, and this problem is often compounded by medical professionals who have inflexible opening hours that don’t really work for people with traditional nine-to-five jobs. These issues are also made worse if patients have mobility issues or are living in remote locations where access to all kinds of services is difficult, never mind health care. This is why many people living in remote locations are now turning to telemedicine to make their lives easier.

Simply put, telemedicine is the combination of medical or diagnostic advice with telecommunications technology. It is currently experiencing a huge surge thanks to the proliferation of smartphones, but has been used since the advent of telecommunications technology, usually in warzones or other areas where it is difficult to bring medics in-person. Nowadays, people who live in remote locations are using telemedicine to access health care in ways they never thought possible.

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Telemedicine has many benefits, especially for people who live in remote locations.

There are many advantages to living in remote locations, including the peace and quiet and the freedom of total privacy – but the truth is that there just isn’t the same level of accessibility as there is in a more built-up area. People living in cities take for granted the services that those living remotely have to travel some distance for. This can be particularly problematic for health care services, especially if you work in a job that doesn’t allow for a lot of flexibility in taking time off for medical appointments.

Telemedicine is perfect for people who live in remote locations because all you need is a smartphone and an internet connection, which most people have these days. Depending on the type of service you use, you will either make an appointment with a specific service provider or else use a drop-in clinic. Either way, you might have to wait in a virtual waiting room before being able to meet your doctor. From there, it’ll be exactly the same as a face-to-face consultation, except you’ll be talking to your doctor via the camera on your smartphone. They’ll ask why you’re seeing someone and give you the same advice an in-person medical professional will. They may ask you to use the camera to show them specific physical symptoms if needed and will answer any questions you may have.

People in remote locations can often be unsure as to whether they need secondary care and may be unwilling to take the chance due to the long journey time, but telemedical professionals can easily refer you to a specialist if needed. Instead of wasting your time traveling to a primary care physician and then having to go to a specialist, a telemedical doctor can properly ascertain your need to make this trip while you’re comfortable in your own home. They can also make your life easier by forwarding all correspondence directly to your secondary physician and can link in with your pharmacy, meaning that prescriptions will be ready and waiting for you as soon as you get there, as opposed to having to wait lengthy times for them to be prepared.

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As long as you have a smartphone and an internet connection, medical consultations are just a tap away.

Seeking specialist care can often be problematic for people living in remote areas, but telemedicine connects patients to doctors who can give them the specific care they need for their ailments. For people who require care that is not traditional, such as medical marijuana or emotional support animals, there is a wealth of medical professionals operating via telemedicine who can give you the advice that you need in an unbiased, non-judgmental way. This can be especially helpful for patients of primary care physicians who may be unwilling to try innovative forms of treatment. If you suffer from a condition that has various treatments, it can often be intimidating to ask your doctor to help you access something like medical marijuana. Being able to speak to someone who specializes in this area, especially from the comfort of your own home, can be very helpful and therapeutic for people who might otherwise be too nervous to advocate for themselves.

It may sometimes feel odd to speak to a doctor via a camera, but once you start, you’ll wonder why you haven’t done it sooner. Telemedicine allows people from various backgrounds and locations to connect with health care like never before, and if you’re living somewhere remote, it’s the perfect solution to a problem you might not even know you have, freeing up your spare time for things that really matter. It’s affordable, accessible, and a great option for every type of patient, so what are you waiting for?

Can Telemedicine Help Me Decide Which Medical Marijuana Strain to Use?

If you’re new to the world of medical marijuana, the sheer volume of strains as well as the different forms can be so alienating that you may decide against going down the route. However, if you seek some professional guidance, you won’t regret choosing to use medical marijuana to treat your condition.

Medical marijuana can be used to treat a wide and varied number of conditions. Patients have found it helpful in treating symptoms from illnesses including cancer, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, anxiety, and depression. While it is now legal to use recreationally in states including California and Washington, medical marijuana use is booming thanks to a wider understanding of the benefits of the drug for a wide range of illnesses.

Telemedicine is one of the most popular ways to access medical marijuana – but what is it? Simply put, telemedicine is the combination of telecommunications technology with medical or diagnostic advice. It can be used in a variety of situations – usually emergency ones where professional medics can be difficult to obtain – but is now experiencing a boom in popularity due to the proliferation of smartphones.

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If you have a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you can use telemedicine to access advice about medical marijuana.

The reason that telemedicine has become so popular for people seeking treatment with medical marijuana is that it allows them to connect with experts who can give them specialized advice relating to MMJ. While many traditional doctors are uneducated about medical marijuana, there are scores of experts online who are willing and able to deliver information relating to MMJ for people who are in real need of advice and knowledge.

There are several strains of medical marijuana available, with differing strengths and uses. There are so many different ways that they can be used, and this can sometimes be overwhelming for patients who are often in deep need of help. By linking in with medical marijuana doctors via telemedicine, you can gain insight and specialized advice as to how MMJ can help you specifically. When it comes to medical marijuana, everyone’s needs are different, so there is no point diving into the deep end without getting some education about which strain can best help you and ease the symptoms of your condition.

While it may seem odd, conducting an appointment by telemedicine is actually incredibly easy. It’s just slightly different from a traditional appointment in a doctor’s office. If you’re looking for advice on medical marijuana, telemedicine can often be the better option, as doctors who operate via telemedicine are often more open about being experts in therapies (such as medical marijuana) that can be seen as slightly alternative by the mainstream medical community.

The first thing you need to do is to find a telemedical doctor that is interested in medical marijuana. Then, you either need to make an appointment or wait in a virtual waiting room for a doctor to become available. Once you become connected to the doctor, they will speak to you about your condition and then give you some advice on what strains of medical marijuana are most suitable for you. You can also be referred to dispensaries in your area that are best suited to helping people with your specific condition. The telemedical doctor can also advise you on the different forms of medical marijuana, which can come in edibles, lotions, vapes, tinctures, and joints, among other things. The perfect combination of form and strain of medical marijuana can differ from patient to patient, so once you find yours, you’ll be best positioned to treat your condition.

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Different strands of MMJ can help to treat different conditions.

Marijuana comes in different strains made up of different combinations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) alongside other cannabinoids, which can all deliver differing effects to the body. While THC is mainly psychoactive, delivering effects that you would traditionally associate with recreational use of marijuana, the differing combinations of THC and CBD can deliver relief to people suffering from a range of illnesses. For those with poor appetite and nausea, medical marijuana can be very helpful in allowing the body to gain appetite and digest food. MMJ can also help people with mental health issues feel calmer from their anxiety, depression, or socialization issues. It has also been shown to offer relief for people suffering from Parkinson’s disease or seizures to help them gain mobility back.

When seeking out medical marijuana treatment, telemedicine is a great place to start. You’ll be able to speak to someone who knows what they’re talking about and who will give you helpful and non-judgmental advice. For patients who have no experience in taking medical marijuana, the sheer amount of types of MMJ can be massively overwhelming. By logging on and chatting to an expert, you’ll be able to visit your dispensary confident in the fact that you’ve educated yourself and gotten as much information as you can to properly treat your condition.

Can Telemedicine Help HIV Patients Access Medical Marijuana?

In a world in which we are increasingly connected with each other through our smartphones, it makes sense that more patients are seeking specialized care through telemedicine. We no longer have to settle for whatever kind of care and treatment we can get with local medical providers. Telemedicine is opening the world up to all kinds of patients, but is proving especially helpful for patients with serious and chronic conditions such as HIV/AIDS, who are having trouble gaining access to knowledge on medical marijuana.

Telemedicine is the combination of medical or diagnostic advice with telecommunications technology. It has been used in many situations, usually emergencies or conflict zones, since telecommunications has been in widespread use, but it is experiencing a massive boom in popularity since the proliferation of smartphones. As almost everyone in the developing world now has a smartphone, access to telemedicine is easier than ever.

So what does this mean for patients with HIV/AIDS? Simply put, they can speak to medical experts in the area of medical marijuana to get advice on the best way to treat their condition with this alternative therapy. HIV, which stands for the human immunodeficiency virus, was discovered in the eighties and was the cause of a worldwide pandemic of infection and progression to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), which has led to the deaths of millions of people worldwide.

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Telemedicine has the potential to change the lives of HIV/AIDS patients for the better.

While HIV/AIDS continues to ravage the developing world, progressions in medical science mean that it is now seen as a chronic condition in areas where patients can access the correct retroviral medication. However, people living with HIV are still liable to suffer a variety of symptoms and side effects, both from their condition and from the associated medical treatment. It has been shown that medical marijuana can be helpful in treating some of these conditions.

Telemedicine can help patients who are HIV-positive to access medical professionals who specialize in medical marijuana treatment. As medical marijuana is still seen as a slightly alternative and controversial therapy, despite evidence that it is very helpful in a variety of conditions, it can be difficult for patients to find a doctor who will treat them in person with medical marijuana. Through telemedicine, patients with HIV/AIDS can easily access experts in this field and have open and frank medical discussions, all from the comfort of their own home.

Many HIV/AIDS patients will be shocked to learn how easy it is to speak to a medical marijuana expert via their phone. Simply find a specialist online, ensuring that they are correctly qualified, and then register with their website. Depending on the type of provider they are, you will either have to make an appointment or you will be able to ‘walk in’. In either instance, you may have to wait in a virtual waiting room for a time until the medical professional is ready to see you. Once they begin the consultation, it will continue as any other medical appointment. They will ask about your experience of HIV/AIDS and may need to see your medical records. Depending on your personal circumstances, they will then be able to advise you on the best treatment path for you on the route of medical marijuana.

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Medical marijuana has many benefits for HIV/AIDS patients.

There are many ways in which medical marijuana can help alleviate the symptoms of HIV/AIDS. As most patients will know, nausea is a common side effect of both HIV/AIDS and its associated medication treatment program. There are many strains of medical marijuana that can help ease nausea and encourage appetite. This is important as many people who are HIV-positive can find it difficult to keep their weight up, so being plagued by nausea and loss of appetite can be a massively debilitating side effect. Medical marijuana can also help to ease chronic pain, which many people suffering from HIV/AIDS experience. Your telemedical doctor will be able to advise on the best types of medical marijuana that can ease the specific pain you are experiencing. As well as all these treatment options, medical marijuana also eases the anxiety and depression that many HIV-positive people experience from being diagnosed as a result of widespread societal ignorance and stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS.

If you are someone who is HIV-positive, you will be more than familiar with the doctor’s office, but telemedicine gives you the opportunity to try something totally new and to explore treatment plans that may offer you relief from symptoms you are simply just trying to live with currently. Telemedicine puts the power back into the hands of patients, so if you’re sick of exploring traditional treatment paths and not being listened to, telemedicine will offer you an avenue that empowers you, without abandoning the traditional medication that treats your condition.

How Can Telemedicine Help Cancer Patients Access Medical Marijuana?

Cancer could definitely be considered a global pandemic. In 2016, it was estimated that 1,685,210 new cases of cancer were diagnosed and that 595,690 people died of the disease. The most common forms of cancer in the U.S. are breast, lung, prostate, colon, bladder, skin, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, thyroid, kidney, leukemia, endometrial, and pancreatic cancer, and it’s a safe bet that you know someone close to you who has been affected.  The treatment path is familiar to all of us, with radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy being the normal route for most sufferers. These treatments are quite harsh and, while they often save the lives of patients, they can leave some pretty serious side effects in their wake. More and more patients are opting to seek alternative treatments to complement traditional therapies; one of these is medical marijuana – which can now be accessed through telemedicine.

According to the American Cancer Association, studies on medical marijuana have shown that the drug improves symptoms of nausea and vomiting, neuropathic pain, and food intake. It can also help relax patients who are feeling stressed due to the pressure of their diagnosis and treatment. However, many patients can be turned off of seeking treatment via medical marijuana due to the stigma of the treatment and the difficulty in finding a specialist who can recommend the correct form of treatment for you.

This is where telemedicine comes in. It is truly the perfect way for cancer patients who need advice on medical marijuana to seek treatment. Many people are unaware of its existence, but if you’re able to Google your symptoms, you’re able to engage with telemedicine for treatment. Put simply, telemedicine is the delivery of medical or diagnostic advice through telecommunications technology. It has been around for as long as telecommunications technology has, usually being used in disaster areas or warzones, but now, thanks to the boom in smartphones, it’s accessible to nearly everyone.

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Medical marijuana has been shown to have significant benefits in alleviating some side effects of cancer treatments.

Firstly, you’ll need to check the legality and availability of medical marijuana in your state. Medical marijuana is legal in 29 U.S. states as well as Guam, Puerto Rico, and the District of Colombia. Seventeen additional states have laws limiting the levels of THC in medically available cannabis but allow access under certain conditions. The non-medical use of marijuana is legal in nine states, so no doctor’s documentation is required. However, it is still advisable to seek medical advice when looking to treat cancer with MMJ.

Many doctors are not familiar with the treatment process and those who seek treatment can often feel stigmatized, but telemedicine can connect you with a medical professional who specializes in medical marijuana treatment. You can simply search for someone who is a specialist and make an appointment with them. This will involve logging on, spending some time in a “virtual waiting room,” and then being connected with the medical professional you are scheduled to see. (Some services even offer drop-in appointments, so no appointment is necessary. However, your wait time may be longer.) You will use the camera on your phone to speak to your doctor via video about your cancer and how medical marijuana may be able to help. It is vital that you get recommendations as to which strains and forms of marijuana will be the most suitable for you in treating the specific side effects you are concerned about.

If you live in a state in which medical marijuana is legal, as opposed to non-medical use of marijuana, you will need some form of documentation to qualify you for medical marijuana treatment. This is usually a letter that is often referred to as a medical marijuana card or an MMJ card, and is available through sites like MMJRecs. Depending on the requirements in your state, it will simply recommend you for medical marijuana treatment, or it can specify the form and strain of medical marijuana treatment that you need. Either way, it will be signed, dated, and stamped by the medical professional you speak to on your telemedical appointment and will be sent to your home as an original document.

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Telemedicine has made it so much easier for cancer patients to access complementary treatments like medical marijuana.

When you have your medical marijuana card, you can then visit a dispensary. If your state does not limit the type of medical marijuana that you can use, it is worth speaking to someone at the dispensary to get further advice on what forms and strains of medical marijuana may work for you. You are not just limited to smoking joints. There are vaporizers, edibles, creams, and oils that can help deliver MMJ to your system.

Now that the U.S. is waking up to how useful medical marijuana can be to cancer patients, there has never been a better time to take control and seek the health care that you need. As well as being convenient in terms of time, telemedicine also allows you to see a doctor from the comfort of your home, which will be useful if you are feeling especially worn out from your cancer treatment. Get onto your phone and make an appointment as soon as you can. It’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made.

How the Legalization of Marijuana Affects Telemedicine

Telemedicine (the digital diagnosis and treatment of patients) is revolutionizing medicine by linking patients and doctors while significantly reducing expenses for both parties. The efficacy of telemedicine has risen substantially in recent years thanks to developments in telecommunications. In such a fast-paced industry it can be difficult to keep up with its evolution, but we aim to ensure you stay on the bleeding edge of its advancements. Recently, the legalization of marijuana in numerous states has led telemedicine to offer patients an incredibly easy way to get medical marijuana.

Once upon a time, someone suffering from chronic illness such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, or Alzheimer’s could only find marijuana on the streets, and they’d be at risk of arrest just for possession. Now, anyone with an illness or disease that would be aided by the prescription of marijuana is legally free to obtain medical marijuana from many health practitioners around the country. This change in law provided people with access to government-regulated marijuana, where dosage and strains could be extremely accurately defined and prescribed, dependent on patient needs. It’s been a huge step forward for America, and a particularly huge step for medicine. Since the legalization of medical marijuana, the use of opioid painkillers and subsequent deaths from said painkillers has been significantly reduced.

However, a great many people suffering from chronic conditions are left so debilitated by their pain that traveling, or even leaving their houses, is out of the question. Until recently, an inability to get to the doctor would guarantee these people would not be prescribed medical marijuana. And so their pain would persist despite a known alleviator. Furthermore, there is still a climate of shame regarding the use of medical marijuana in some communities. This results in patients who are in dire need of a prescription forgoing one on the basis that they don’t want to be identified by someone they know going into a medical marijuana doctor’s office. They desire true anonymity.

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Changes in the legalization of marijuana and the advent of telemedicine have gone hand in hand.

To further progress things, telemedicine has begun to allow medical marijuana prescriptions to be granted via telecommunications, including through websites such as MMJRecs. Subsequently, patients with chronic illness do not have to go through the pain or discomfort of traveling long distances to get medical marijuana. This is particularly important in states with a geographically dispersed population. But currently, not all states allow a medical marijuana prescription through telemedicine. Also, it must be noted that in order to benefit from telemedicine of any kind, you must be considered far enough from a doctor that traveling for an in-person visit would be difficult. Each state has its own ideas when it comes to telemedicine and the law, so it’s best to check your state’s legislation to figure out whether you qualify. A local doctor may also be of help in understanding the relevant state-level laws.

An established doctor-patient relationship is a requirement in medical marijuana treatment. States do not want doctors blindly providing patients with medical marijuana without first building up a detailed idea of their medical history and subsequently identifying a likely diagnosis that will be aided by the use of marijuana. Telemedicine allows medical practitioners to develop a relationship with patients who are incapacitated from the comfort of the patient’s home. With medical marijuana now legal to be prescribed via telemedicine, doctors are better able to serve their patients in a timely manner.

California’s medical board is certainly at the forefront of advancements in laws relevant to both medical marijuana and telemedicine, and they had this to say: “The initial examination for the condition for which marijuana is being recommended must be an appropriate prior examination and meet the standard of care. Telehealth, in compliance with Business and Professions Code section 2290.5, is a tool in the practice of medicine and does not change the standard of care.”

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California is one state that has embraced the combination of legalized medical marijuana and telemedicine.

It may be surprising to some to learn that California is the only state where an explicitly positive policy regarding the use of telemedicine in conjunction with medical marijuana prescription has been laid out. This provides Californian doctors the ability to recommend medical marijuana via telemedicine without fear of losing their license to practice medicine or being sued.

So it’s clear to see that telemedicine is greatly impacted by the legalization of marijuana. With the legalization of marijuana, or any other drug, comes far more complexity in the laws and practice of telemedicine. As medical practitioners attempt to grapple with new laws and currently undefined ones in this relatively new and incredibly exciting area, there is likely to be some hesitance to go all in on telemedicine for fear of legal retribution. But as time goes on, the impressive efficacy and cost-effectiveness of telemedicine will ensure that the laws surrounding it will get properly defined, and that more and more health practitioners will feel comfortable exploring the myriad benefits this young form of medicine provides.

Why MMJ Patients in California Are Still Using Telemedicine to Get a Medical Marijuana Card

Telemedicine is an incredibly fast-growing industry that’s only going to expand further in the future. There are so many benefits to accessing health care through technology – everything from consulting with a specialist not geographically close to you, to getting a diagnosis through a video chat with your doctor. One of the fields where telemedicine is being used even more is related to medical marijuana. Even though recreational marijuana is now legally available in California, there are still tons of reasons to get a medical marijuana card. In addition to getting to avoid that pesky sales tax and having the opportunity to grow more plants, using telemedicine to get a medical marijuana card couldn’t be easier. The super-simple process means you can steer clear of doctor’s office waiting rooms and use online services, like MMJRecs, to get your cannabis card.

Clear-cut pricing

Using telemedicine to get a medical marijuana card means you won’t have to succumb to any of those hidden fees or increased prices that you might be stuck with going to a regular doctor’s office. When you use a site like MMJRecs, you’ll get straightforward prices with a flat rate. If you just need an MMJ recommendation from a doctor, you only pay $59. For the doctor’s recommendation and an ID card, it’ll run you $84. The best deal is the package option that includes the recommendation, ID card, and a grower’s permit for just $149. Plus, if you aren’t approved for an MMJ card, you have a 100% money-back guarantee!

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Telemedicine is really revolutionizing the way MMJ patients access their treatment.

Easy-to-complete online forms

Going to a regular physician instead of using telemedicine to get a medical marijuana card can mean you have to fill out a bunch of forms about your health history and symptoms (not to mention all that other paperwork you have to complete any time you visit the doctor’s office). However, if you use telemedicine to obtain a cannabis card, you can simply fill out a quick and easy form online. You’ll be asked basic questions about your health condition and how using marijuana could help alleviate your symptoms. The forms don’t take long to complete, so you won’t be bogged down by paperwork.

Online doctor evaluations

It can be a stressful, time-consuming process to visit your doctor’s office. You have to make an appointment, coordinate transportation, and spend your valuable time in a waiting room. Using a site like MMJRecs means you can have a consultation with a licensed physician without ever leaving your home. They’re available round the clock, every day of the week. More than 420 doctors are selected from the California Medical Board Licensed Marijuana Doctors. The physicians are also all HIPAA (Health and Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)-compliant, so you can be sure your private and sensitive information stays that way. The physician will then look over your information with you on a video call (all 100% online) through your computer or on your smartphone – so you can even conduct the consultation while you’re on the go! Most of the evaluations end up taking less than 20 minutes from start to finish.

Instant email delivery of your recommendation

Once the doctor has discussed your medical needs, they’ll go over the benefits and risks of using marijuana products. If the physician believes it would be in your best interest to get a medical marijuana card, they’ll immediately email you a legal medical marijuana recommendation. You can instantly print it out and use it at most dispensaries and delivery services throughout the state. Just the day after, you’ll also be sent an official, embossed recommendation mailed to your home address (which serves as a valid form of documentation for your MMJ card).

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Using telemedicine to get a medical marijuana card can help you save valuable cash.

Exclusive discounts and offers


After you receive your MMJ card, you can access exclusive discounts from the MMJRecs site, as well as medical marijuana dispensaries and online stores. These discounts (along with the savings you’ll get without paying sales tax on your products) can significantly help decrease your cannabis costs. If the dispensary of your choosing offers a rewards program, you should definitely sign up. They can offer deals or coupons (like a percentage off your first purchase) or even provide store credit bonuses. You could even earn rewards if you recommend other MMJ users to their store. These savings can help demonstrate how much more beneficial having an MMJ card can be versus just buying cannabis products for recreational use.

If you think your health could benefit from consuming medical marijuana, you can easily complete these simple steps, using telemedicine to get a medical marijuana card today.

Telemedicine and MMJ: How Patients are Getting Educated on Their Perfect Strain

Telemedicine is revolutionizing the way in which patients access health care – and this doesn’t just mean antibiotics and the contraceptive pill. Telemedicine is even educating patients who need medical marijuana, and as the market can be a bit of a jungle, it is even helping them find out which strain can treat their illnesses. The power of telemedicine is in education, so it’s not surprising that telemedicine and MMJ are being utilized together more and more.

Sadly, laws relating to medical marijuana vary across the United States. While marijuana is still an illegal drug at a federal level, some states have legalized it for use for medical reasons. Some states, such as California, have quite relaxed rules and others, like New York, are a bit stricter. As medical marijuana can treat several conditions, including but not limited to cancer, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, depression, and multiple sclerosis, it is no wonder that it is being used more and more by patients who are looking for an alternative treatment to harsh pharmaceuticals.

Telemedicine is the use of telecommunications technology to deliver diagnostic or medical advice. While it has been in existence for nearly as long as telecommunications technology itself, it is experiencing a renaissance now thanks to the rise of smartphones. It is allowing patients to take control of their health care with affordable, flexible, and reliable health care on the go. It’s really no wonder that patients are now combining telemedicine and MMJ.

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Telemedicine and MMJ combine perfectly to help patients access the treatment they need.

Before you embark on using telemedicine for medical marijuana, though, it’s very important to be aware of the laws in your state. For example, if you’re in California, you’re lucky enough to be able to get a general medical marijuana letter and you’ll be able to pick your own method and strain of medical marijuana. However, in other states, you may have to rely on your doctor to prescribe you a specific strain. Either way, patients can use telemedicine to decide which strain will be the best for their condition.

When using telemedicine, it is really easy for patients to access medical marijuana. Simply log on for a video consultation with a doctor who specializes in medical marijuana and they will discuss the best type of MMJ for you to take. This is where telemedicine can be very helpful to patients, as many doctors are not familiar with medical marijuana or are unwilling to prescribe it due to unfair stereotypes about its use. When you’ve had a discussion with your doctor via telemedicine, they will issue you with a medical marijuana letter, which can be used as a medical marijuana card. Then, depending on your state, you will be able to access the type of medication that you need to properly treat your illness.

Like any medication, different types of medical marijuana work differently for different conditions. To understand this, we must look at the makeup of marijuana as a drug. It can be made up of cannabidiol (CBD) or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or a combination of the two, alongside hundreds of other kinds of cannabinoids. The types of medical marijuana are so varied that using a doctor who is specialized in the area is essential in properly treating your condition.

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Through telemedicine, it’s never been easier for your doctor to prescribe you the right strain and delivery method for your MMJ.

Certain strains are relaxing, which is perfect for people who suffer from anxiety, migraines, post-traumatic stress disorder, and insomnia, amongst others. Other strains would be classed as more stimulatory, which can be useful in treating bipolar disorder, back pain, and ADHD. There is no perfect solution for any condition and a lot of work can go into experimentation with both strains and the ways in which they are delivered. If you are embarking on this kind of experimentation, the best thing to do is to maintain a constant dialogue with your doctor. This is where telemedicine and MMJ partner so well together. As telemedicine offers a flexible and adaptable way of seeing your doctor, you can check in with them from the comfort of your own home instead of dropping everything to attend an appointment that is hard to get and even harder to fit into your life.

Medical marijuana can be consumed via smoking, vaping, edibles, tinctures, and even lotions applied to the skin. This is just the tip of the iceberg. In discussion with your doctor, try each one out until you find something that works and that can fit in with your life. You want a treatment that works for you that you don’t have to make too many lifestyle changes for. For example, if your apartment bans smoking, there’s no point in treating your anxiety with an MMJ joint that needs to be smoked.

Telemedicine is changing the lives of all kinds of patients, but it is especially helpful for people who are seeking treatment that is not fully understood by the medical community at large. It allows specialist doctors to reach patients who really need help, so log on to a site like MMJRecs and meet a doctor who can help you change your life!

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