5 Ways Telemedicine Is Superior to Traditional Medicine

Telemedicine has become hugely popular over the last few years. Being able to consult with a doctor from a remote location via the internet has saved a lot of people a great deal of time and effort. There are many ways telemedicine is superior to traditional medicine.

Traditional medicine has, of course, taken us one heck of a long way. It has developed, changed, and grown, and in so doing has improved our lives immeasurably. It’s not all that long ago that people were having limbs amputated without anesthetic, undergoing pointless and harmful frontal lobotomies, and dying of common colds! Today, miraculous synthetic limbs are making the lives of amputees much easier, brain surgeons are removing tumors from deep inside the fragile (and, until recently, impenetrable and barely understood) brain, and the mortality rates from diseases such as colds, flus, and stomach bugs are close to zero. Even cancer is now well understood and often treatable. Traditional medicine is a testament to the enormous potential of humankind. The visionaries who work tirelessly and dedicate their lives to growing and expanding this field are real heroes to whom we all owe a great deal.

But traditional medicine has some limitations. Most of these are to do with logistics and time. And this is where telemedicine comes in to improve things greatly. Here are five ways in which telemedicine is superior to traditional medicine.

Telemedicine is a Massive Time Saver

In today’s world, most people are busy, busy, busy! Time is of the essence for those who are juggling jobs, families, and numerous other commitments. For these overloaded people, every minute of time they can save is useful. Telemedicine in the USA saves busy people a lot of precious time. Traveling to a hospital or doctor’s office is often a stressful undertaking that eats up several hours of someone’s day. But consulting with a medical professional online, via an app, or over the phone using telemedicine can be done in barely any time at all. A vital telemedicine consultation can be over and done with in less than 15 minutes, from the comfort of your own home. 

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The last thing you want when seeking medical care is to pick up an extra unwanted virus or bug! Luckily, you can avoid this by using telemedicine services.


Telemedicine Allows People to Avoid Germs and Viruses Lurking in Hospitals and Doctors’ Offices

The beauty of telemedicine is that you can use it from any place, at any time. And this means that in many situations, you’ll be able to have all your medical needs met remotely, and therefore not need to spend any time at all waiting in a doctor’s office or hospital, marinating in the germs and viruses that tend to call the air and surfaces there “home.” By using telemedicine, you can avoid the secondary illnesses that often result from spending time in a doctor’s office or hospital.

Telemedicine Gives Patients a Vast Amount of Choice

Using telemedicine, a patient can consult with a doctor or physician from almost anywhere in the entire United States (or even the world!). Many people live in localities that have an unimpressive selection of local doctors. Some people do not particularly like dealing with any of the medical professionals in their own neighborhood or town. Also, people often require the services of highly specialized physicians, but they live in a city where no such specialists operate. Telemedicine opens up a whole world of options and gives patients a vast amount of choice.



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For those living in remote areas, telemedicine can be a real lifesaver.

Telemedicine is a Lifesaver For Folks Who Live in Remote Locations

Telemedicine is vastly superior to traditional medicine for people who live in remote areas of the country. Many rural folks live in places that are a multi-hour or even multi-day drive from their nearest suitable medical practice. For these people, going to the doctor’s office to receive traditional medical care is extremely inconvenient. People in remote locations are often busy farmers with tight schedules, so traveling for days to see a doctor is barely an option. Telemedicine allows these folks to consult with a physician anywhere in the world, right from their own isolated outpost… in a matter of seconds!

Telemedicine Makes Life Much Easier For Immobile Patients

For people with mobility issues, such as wheelchair users and folks who require disabled parking, getting to a doctor’s office or hospital can be a taxing ordeal. Even with handicap parking and ramps, it can require a herculean effort for folks with mobility issues to get around. Telemedicine is much better than traditional medicine at catering to these people. Using telemedicine, an immobile person can get a lot of their medical needs met in a hassle-free manner from the comfort of their own home.

Using Telemedicine with a Physical Disability

To be physically disabled in a world that doesn’t always cater to you can be a frustrating experience. There are countless ways you can face discrimination on a daily basis, from lack of access to buildings to inadequate public transport, and these problems are only exacerbated if you live in an isolated area. The good news is that access to health care doesn’t need to be dependent on your ability to get to a doctor’s clinic, thanks to advances in telemedicine.

What is telemedicine? Put simply, it is the combination of telecommunications technology with diagnostic or health care advice. It has been used for a long time, mostly in emergency situations such as warzones or natural disasters when medics cannot access patients and have to make do with radio advice. However, thanks to the explosion in popularity of smartphones, telemedicine is now a mainstream means by which patients of all kinds are accessing medical advice.

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Telemedicine can make it much easier for people with physical disabilities to access health care and medical advice.

Using telemedicine with a physical disability will depend on your ability to use a smartphone, but there’s no reason not to get assistance from a family member, friend, or carer who you trust to be present for your health care conversations. Once you’re comfortable in starting your consultation, you simply log on and get started. You sign up to the website of your choice and either wait in a virtual waiting room or get connected immediately to a doctor. They will speak to you via the camera on your phone and ask questions to get a sense of your medical history. You will get the opportunity to discuss your impairments with your doctor openly and they will be able to get a sense of how your disability impacts your life. If you need further testing, they will be able to refer you to a specialist, but can remain your primary care physician.

Telemedical doctors are very integrated with secondary services, which means that it’s a lot easier for patients, both disabled and able-bodied, to link in with specialists. They will send referral letters directly to the specialist doctors, meaning you don’t have to inconvenience yourself with having to schedule your own appointments. They will also link in with pharmacies to send your prescriptions straight to them so you don’t have to wait for your medications to be prepared. They’ll be ready and waiting for you as soon as you get to the pharmacy.

Another perk of telemedicine is that it tends to be a lot more affordable than traditional health care. If you’re living with a disability, you may have to spend a lot of money to make your life happy and comfortable, and you’re better off keeping that money for your self-care instead of unnecessarily spending it on doctors who are not acting in your best interests or convenience. Imagine a world where you can splurge on a fancy dinner instead of a doctor’s appointment!

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If you have a smartphone, medical professionals are now literally at your fingertips through the advent of telemedicine.

If you’re someone who has a physical disability, it will be inevitable that you will have to see doctors in person from time to time, but telemedicine gives you the flexibility to be able to see someone in more convenient circumstances. If you’re using telemedicine as well as other specialists, they will be able to be kept in the loop with one another thanks to the ways telemedical providers store their records. This also means that you’ll be able to access the records however and whenever you want to, instead of having to jump through hoops, as is often the case at a traditional primary care physician’s office.

If you are living in a remote area or you have trouble with your mobility, it can be difficult to get to your doctor’s office, especially if your physical disability is causing you additional issues. Traditional primary care physicians often have opening hours that coincide with office hours, so it’s also very difficult for people who work full-time to make their way to a doctor’s office. Telemedicine allows you to see a doctor from the comfort of your own home, meaning that you don’t have to take time off work or push your body further than it needs to go for the sake of seeing a doctor in person.

If you don’t allow your disability to hold you back in other areas of your life, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t use telemedicine to receive the best health care possible while avoiding the inconvenience of having to see a doctor in person. Telemedicine is an excellent way to empower yourself and to take back control instead of making yourself fit into a mold that just isn’t convenient for you.

How Telemedicine Could Benefit You

Telemedicine is on the increase. Over half of all U.S. hospitals are now using telemedicine in some form, and this figure is on the rise. More and more people – including professionals, patients, and medical insurance personnel – are seeing benefits from the development and increasing availability of telemedicine. As technology continues to advance, these benefits will become even more apparent and widespread. Let’s take a look at how telemedicine could benefit you.

We currently live in a mad, busy world, right? We want to live life to the full and we want immediate gratification. So when it comes to our health, we want that fixed as quickly as possible too! Convenience is a key word in today’s health care. If you want to consult with a physician sooner rather than later, or if you don’t want to – or can’t – take time off work, then consider how convenient it would be to access help virtually. This can be done by a simple phone call, via video or Skype, or with specific telemedicine apps. You chat to your doctor and they diagnose the problem and decide on treatment. If a prescription is required, this can be transmitted electronically to a drugstore of your choice. Hey presto, you’re on your way to getting better already! Rest assured that the doctor will call you in for an in-person consultation and/or examination if he feels that is necessary.

It’s not only convenient to operate in this way – it will also save you money. Money that you might need to spend on transport to and from the physician; money that you might lose in taking time off work; money that you might spend on pain relief or medication if you have to wait a few days for an in-person doctor’s appointment. We all like things that save us money!

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For people who live in remote locations, traveling to the doctor can be difficult. That’s where telemedicine comes into play!

If you live in a remote area, or if you find traveling difficult or challenging for any reason (because you have reduced mobility, for example), the benefits of telemedicine are even more apparent. A virtual consultation clearly saves you time and transport costs. Time and money aren’t the only drawbacks here, though. Patients in remote and rural areas can often have trouble connecting with an appropriate specialist. Telemedicine allows your doctor to refer you to the right consultant for your specific needs, regardless of location. So in addition to saving time and money, you have the comfort of knowing you are being treated more speedily and by the best specialist for your particular problem. Remember that you will always be given a person-to-person appointment any time a physician deems this necessary.

Post-surgery care is another area where telemedicine could benefit you. Firstly, while you are still in hospital, your surgeon can receive information on your status at any time, regardless of where he or she is, and can then advise on any treatment or change of action that might be needed. Once home, health care providers can monitor you via video link and any concerns that you have can be voiced. Surgeons are supporting the increased use of telemedicine in surgical follow-ups. They know that good post-surgery care is vital to the successful recovery of patients and will make re-admission to hospital less likely.

If you’re one of the many U.S. citizens who suffer from a mental health illness, you will be aware of the difficulties in accessing help. Traveling on public transport, waiting in a room full of people to be seen by a doctor, or even the person-to-person consultation with your physician may all be particularly daunting for you. Telemedicine expands access to mental health services by allowing you to speak to a specialist via a video link, thereby avoiding situations that you may find challenging.

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So many patients (including those with chronic conditions such as diabetes) can benefit from advances in telemedicine.

It’s widely accepted that telemedicine offers greater opportunity for patient-centered approaches – meaning that you, the patient, will benefit more from its application. Examples of this are firstly the fact that, as we’ve already noted, you can access help more quickly and conveniently. You will have a consultation and be offered treatment options right away. Any required medication can be collected quickly and conveniently, so your treatment begins immediately. If you are on a specific course of medication and need monitoring, or if, for example you have to take regular medication such as insulin, you can be remotely monitored to check that you’re taking the required amount of medicine or that you are following important instructions correctly. Information such as glucose readings can be viewed by your health care provider and any appropriate action taken. All of this not only helps your physical health but also your mental wellbeing. If you know that help is immediately at hand or that you are being constantly checked, you will be more at ease about your health. It’s a fact that telemedicine patients are less stressed and anxious and have far fewer admissions to hospital.

These are just some of the ways that the increasing use of telemedicine could benefit you. In conclusion, it’s also worth pointing out that telemedicine not only saves you money directly, but also in time, it will save you money indirectly. This is because we will see health insurance companies bringing down their premiums. Costs are being saved all the time in health care services with the introduction of telemedicine practices. Additionally, non-urgent ER visits are being reduced, as are hospital admissions and re-admissions and the length of hospital stays. Reduced health costs mean reduced health bills, which will ultimately mean a lower insurance premium for you.

Why Telemedicine is Perfect for Patients with Limited Mobility

Telemedicine is the perfect solution for patients with limited mobility who face many limitations in their lives. The advent of modern telecommunications technologies means that our lives are easier than ever to navigate. Everything we do can now be made more convenient through our smartphones. From ordering groceries to paying bills, it’s now easier than ever to manage our lives, so medicine is the next logical step. Patients are finding it much easier to manage their medical conditions and their associated treatments by using telemedicine to keep track of their medical records, see a doctor at a convenient time both inside of and outside of working hours, and receive medical and diagnostic advice in a comfortable environment.

Telemedicine is the combination of telecommunications technology with diagnostic and medical advice. It has been utilized since telecommunications technology was established but it is only now, with the advent of smartphones, that patients are truly getting the most they can out of telemedicine. With busier lives, doctors can no longer expect patients to fit in with their inflexible clinical hours or to travel long distances to clinics. While these observations are valid for patients without disabilities, telemedicine can truly revolutionize the lives of people with limited mobility.

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If you have limited mobility, telemedicine is the perfect solution for your health care needs.


Limited mobility can be a result of many conditions and means that the sufferer is limited in how they can move and travel. It covers conditions such as paralysis and can be caused by trauma, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, obesity, and other conditions. People with limited mobility can often live happy and fulfilled lives but must make certain changes to their lifestyles in order to accommodate their disability. Using telemedicine is just another accommodation that makes things much easier for people with limited mobility.

Using telemedicine for medical advice means that people with limited mobility do not have to leave the house to access their doctor. While those with limited mobility do not have to be housebound and usually live full and active lives, the ability to be able to cut out an unnecessary doctor’s visit can be very helpful. By utilizing telemedicine, patients can speak to their doctors via the video chat function on their smartphones, meaning that they can be more comfortable in their surroundings. Being able to see a doctor from home was usually only reserved for the very ill or the very rich, but the advent of telemedicine today means that anyone can access this luxury as long as they have a smartphone.

Telemedical doctor’s appointments are conducted via a smartphone. You can either dial on and see a doctor immediately, or you may have to wait in a virtual waiting room. Once you have been connected to a doctor, you will use video chat to have your appointment. You’ll be surprised by how easily you’ll get used to this new process and how comfortable you will be in speaking to a doctor via your phone. You may actually find it easier to confide in a doctor via telemedicine as you aren’t there in person. Following your appointment, the doctor can send you for further testing at a hospital or pharmacy or can send your prescription directly to your pharmacy, which means it will be ready for you when you visit. This means you will face fewer delays when picking up your medication.

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There’s nothing like the convenience of using your smartphone to liaise with your health care professional!

For people with limited mobility, the freedom of a telemedicine doctor can be liberating. It allows you to see a doctor at your own convenience, without the hassle of visiting a doctor’s surgery. For people with compromised immunity, it can also lessen the chance of picking up an opportunistic infection from another ill person at a doctor’s clinic, which means that you are less likely to require further hospitalization and disruption to your life.

Telemedicine also means that your medical records are more accessible to you. Usually in a traditional clinical setting, you have to request your records and have them sent to you or to another clinician that you wish to provide them to. Telemedicine providers usually associate your medical records with your profile on the website, where they can be accessed at any time. This means that you are more empowered to manage your medical care and you have all information relating to your medical history at your fingertips.

Telemedicine is the ideal solution for anyone with limited mobility. You will feel like you’re taking control of your medical treatment in a way that lets you mold your medical care around your life instead of the other way around. Your time is precious and shouldn’t be wasted in waiting rooms. Patients should not be at the mercy of doctors, so take back control by making use of telemedicine!

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