5 Ways Telemedicine Is Superior to Traditional Medicine

Telemedicine has become hugely popular over the last few years. Being able to consult with a doctor from a remote location via the internet has saved a lot of people a great deal of time and effort. There are many ways telemedicine is superior to traditional medicine.

Traditional medicine has, of course, taken us one heck of a long way. It has developed, changed, and grown, and in so doing has improved our lives immeasurably. It’s not all that long ago that people were having limbs amputated without anesthetic, undergoing pointless and harmful frontal lobotomies, and dying of common colds! Today, miraculous synthetic limbs are making the lives of amputees much easier, brain surgeons are removing tumors from deep inside the fragile (and, until recently, impenetrable and barely understood) brain, and the mortality rates from diseases such as colds, flus, and stomach bugs are close to zero. Even cancer is now well understood and often treatable. Traditional medicine is a testament to the enormous potential of humankind. The visionaries who work tirelessly and dedicate their lives to growing and expanding this field are real heroes to whom we all owe a great deal.

But traditional medicine has some limitations. Most of these are to do with logistics and time. And this is where telemedicine comes in to improve things greatly. Here are five ways in which telemedicine is superior to traditional medicine.

Telemedicine is a Massive Time Saver

In today’s world, most people are busy, busy, busy! Time is of the essence for those who are juggling jobs, families, and numerous other commitments. For these overloaded people, every minute of time they can save is useful. Telemedicine in the USA saves busy people a lot of precious time. Traveling to a hospital or doctor’s office is often a stressful undertaking that eats up several hours of someone’s day. But consulting with a medical professional online, via an app, or over the phone using telemedicine can be done in barely any time at all. A vital telemedicine consultation can be over and done with in less than 15 minutes, from the comfort of your own home. 

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The last thing you want when seeking medical care is to pick up an extra unwanted virus or bug! Luckily, you can avoid this by using telemedicine services.


Telemedicine Allows People to Avoid Germs and Viruses Lurking in Hospitals and Doctors’ Offices

The beauty of telemedicine is that you can use it from any place, at any time. And this means that in many situations, you’ll be able to have all your medical needs met remotely, and therefore not need to spend any time at all waiting in a doctor’s office or hospital, marinating in the germs and viruses that tend to call the air and surfaces there “home.” By using telemedicine, you can avoid the secondary illnesses that often result from spending time in a doctor’s office or hospital.

Telemedicine Gives Patients a Vast Amount of Choice

Using telemedicine, a patient can consult with a doctor or physician from almost anywhere in the entire United States (or even the world!). Many people live in localities that have an unimpressive selection of local doctors. Some people do not particularly like dealing with any of the medical professionals in their own neighborhood or town. Also, people often require the services of highly specialized physicians, but they live in a city where no such specialists operate. Telemedicine opens up a whole world of options and gives patients a vast amount of choice.



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For those living in remote areas, telemedicine can be a real lifesaver.

Telemedicine is a Lifesaver For Folks Who Live in Remote Locations

Telemedicine is vastly superior to traditional medicine for people who live in remote areas of the country. Many rural folks live in places that are a multi-hour or even multi-day drive from their nearest suitable medical practice. For these people, going to the doctor’s office to receive traditional medical care is extremely inconvenient. People in remote locations are often busy farmers with tight schedules, so traveling for days to see a doctor is barely an option. Telemedicine allows these folks to consult with a physician anywhere in the world, right from their own isolated outpost… in a matter of seconds!

Telemedicine Makes Life Much Easier For Immobile Patients

For people with mobility issues, such as wheelchair users and folks who require disabled parking, getting to a doctor’s office or hospital can be a taxing ordeal. Even with handicap parking and ramps, it can require a herculean effort for folks with mobility issues to get around. Telemedicine is much better than traditional medicine at catering to these people. Using telemedicine, an immobile person can get a lot of their medical needs met in a hassle-free manner from the comfort of their own home.

How You Can Use Telemedicine for Optic Health

Your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body. They are called the windows to the soul and they give you access to what surrounds you and what’s ahead of you. However, they are delicate and can get damaged without you even knowing it. It’s very important to keep on top of your eye health, and telemedicine is one of the best ways to do it in a convenient and affordable way.

Telemedicine is experiencing an explosion in popularity at the moment. In a society that allows you to order dinner, find a date, and buy clothes from your phone, there’s no reason why you can’t access health care through your phone too. Simply put, telemedicine is the combination of medical or diagnostic advice with telecommunications technology. It has been used since the advent of telecommunications, usually in war zones or other disaster situations where doctors can’t access their patients, but now patients are turning the tables and using telemedicine for their own convenience.

Convenience is the reason that many busy professionals are turning to telemedicine. Traditional primary care physicians usually operate under traditional office hours and are located in places that are convenient to them, as opposed to convenient to their patients. If you’re someone with a busy job, it can be difficult to take time out for medical appointments, so unless you’re feeling very unwell, you’re unlikely to make time for a doctor’s appointment. But telemedical appointments can be done from the comfort of your home, at a time that suits you, so you’re not at the mercy of someone else’s schedule.

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Did you know you can use your smartphone to access optical health care?

The key to telemedicine being used for optic health is the camera. While a phone camera can’t rival an optician’s chair, you can still use it to give your telemedical doctor a look at what’s going on. In order to see an optician via telemedicine, you just need to find a specialist and either make an appointment or use a drop-in service. You might have to wait in a virtual waiting room, but once you get connected to a medical professional, it’s just like a regular doctor’s appointment. They’ll ask how they can help you and what the nature of your problem is. If you have a specific eye issue, they’ll ask to look at it and offer you a diagnosis based on what they can see.

Telemedical doctors have excellent links to secondary physicians, so if you need to be referred to an ophthalmologist, they can send the referral directly as opposed to you having to make a second appointment. They will also link in with your pharmacy so that if you need medication, the prescription will be ready and waiting for you and you won’t have to wait. As well as being more convenient, telemedicine is usually more affordable than traditional primary care, because the doctors who operate online do not have the traditional overheads associated with running a doctor’s office. Opticians also have the double whammy of having to act as a sales front for glasses and lenses, whereas a telemedical optician does not have to fork out for fancy displays, even if they have access to the most chic glasses. If you are in need of new specs, you’ll still be able to order them online, usually at a discounted rate relative to a traditional optician.

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If you don’t have time to head to an in-person optical appointment, why not try scheduling one via telemedicine?

A telemedical doctor can also give you general advice on eye care. Eye infections are a lot more common than you may think and can have a variety of causes. In our increasingly technological world, eyes can also experience tiredness thanks to excessive screen time. Your telemedical doctor will be able to give you advice on avoiding eye exhaustion and how to best take breaks when you’re at work. In addition, if you have a condition like diabetes that can have a negative impact on your vision, your telemedical doctor can give you advice on how to avoid unnecessary damage, through lifestyle changes and adherence to your medication program.

Health care, including eye care, has been one way for a long time, and telemedicine is changing the game for doctors and patients alike. Patients no longer feel the need to go out of their way to access health care in an inconvenient manner when they can see a qualified doctor from the comfort of their own home. Don’t be afraid to try telemedicine for your optic health. You’ll be empowered and comfortable in the knowledge that you can take care of your eyes while not going out of your way to access health care for someone else’s convenience.

How Telemedicine is Helping Patients in Remote Locations

Seeing a doctor is not always the easiest thing to do. It is also often not at the top of people’s list of priorities, especially in a non-emergency situation. Busy professionals rarely have time to visit the doctor, and this problem is often compounded by medical professionals who have inflexible opening hours that don’t really work for people with traditional nine-to-five jobs. These issues are also made worse if patients have mobility issues or are living in remote locations where access to all kinds of services is difficult, never mind health care. This is why many people living in remote locations are now turning to telemedicine to make their lives easier.

Simply put, telemedicine is the combination of medical or diagnostic advice with telecommunications technology. It is currently experiencing a huge surge thanks to the proliferation of smartphones, but has been used since the advent of telecommunications technology, usually in warzones or other areas where it is difficult to bring medics in-person. Nowadays, people who live in remote locations are using telemedicine to access health care in ways they never thought possible.

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Telemedicine has many benefits, especially for people who live in remote locations.

There are many advantages to living in remote locations, including the peace and quiet and the freedom of total privacy – but the truth is that there just isn’t the same level of accessibility as there is in a more built-up area. People living in cities take for granted the services that those living remotely have to travel some distance for. This can be particularly problematic for health care services, especially if you work in a job that doesn’t allow for a lot of flexibility in taking time off for medical appointments.

Telemedicine is perfect for people who live in remote locations because all you need is a smartphone and an internet connection, which most people have these days. Depending on the type of service you use, you will either make an appointment with a specific service provider or else use a drop-in clinic. Either way, you might have to wait in a virtual waiting room before being able to meet your doctor. From there, it’ll be exactly the same as a face-to-face consultation, except you’ll be talking to your doctor via the camera on your smartphone. They’ll ask why you’re seeing someone and give you the same advice an in-person medical professional will. They may ask you to use the camera to show them specific physical symptoms if needed and will answer any questions you may have.

People in remote locations can often be unsure as to whether they need secondary care and may be unwilling to take the chance due to the long journey time, but telemedical professionals can easily refer you to a specialist if needed. Instead of wasting your time traveling to a primary care physician and then having to go to a specialist, a telemedical doctor can properly ascertain your need to make this trip while you’re comfortable in your own home. They can also make your life easier by forwarding all correspondence directly to your secondary physician and can link in with your pharmacy, meaning that prescriptions will be ready and waiting for you as soon as you get there, as opposed to having to wait lengthy times for them to be prepared.

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As long as you have a smartphone and an internet connection, medical consultations are just a tap away.

Seeking specialist care can often be problematic for people living in remote areas, but telemedicine connects patients to doctors who can give them the specific care they need for their ailments. For people who require care that is not traditional, such as medical marijuana or emotional support animals, there is a wealth of medical professionals operating via telemedicine who can give you the advice that you need in an unbiased, non-judgmental way. This can be especially helpful for patients of primary care physicians who may be unwilling to try innovative forms of treatment. If you suffer from a condition that has various treatments, it can often be intimidating to ask your doctor to help you access something like medical marijuana. Being able to speak to someone who specializes in this area, especially from the comfort of your own home, can be very helpful and therapeutic for people who might otherwise be too nervous to advocate for themselves.

It may sometimes feel odd to speak to a doctor via a camera, but once you start, you’ll wonder why you haven’t done it sooner. Telemedicine allows people from various backgrounds and locations to connect with health care like never before, and if you’re living somewhere remote, it’s the perfect solution to a problem you might not even know you have, freeing up your spare time for things that really matter. It’s affordable, accessible, and a great option for every type of patient, so what are you waiting for?

Using Telemedicine with a Physical Disability

To be physically disabled in a world that doesn’t always cater to you can be a frustrating experience. There are countless ways you can face discrimination on a daily basis, from lack of access to buildings to inadequate public transport, and these problems are only exacerbated if you live in an isolated area. The good news is that access to health care doesn’t need to be dependent on your ability to get to a doctor’s clinic, thanks to advances in telemedicine.

What is telemedicine? Put simply, it is the combination of telecommunications technology with diagnostic or health care advice. It has been used for a long time, mostly in emergency situations such as warzones or natural disasters when medics cannot access patients and have to make do with radio advice. However, thanks to the explosion in popularity of smartphones, telemedicine is now a mainstream means by which patients of all kinds are accessing medical advice.

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Telemedicine can make it much easier for people with physical disabilities to access health care and medical advice.

Using telemedicine with a physical disability will depend on your ability to use a smartphone, but there’s no reason not to get assistance from a family member, friend, or carer who you trust to be present for your health care conversations. Once you’re comfortable in starting your consultation, you simply log on and get started. You sign up to the website of your choice and either wait in a virtual waiting room or get connected immediately to a doctor. They will speak to you via the camera on your phone and ask questions to get a sense of your medical history. You will get the opportunity to discuss your impairments with your doctor openly and they will be able to get a sense of how your disability impacts your life. If you need further testing, they will be able to refer you to a specialist, but can remain your primary care physician.

Telemedical doctors are very integrated with secondary services, which means that it’s a lot easier for patients, both disabled and able-bodied, to link in with specialists. They will send referral letters directly to the specialist doctors, meaning you don’t have to inconvenience yourself with having to schedule your own appointments. They will also link in with pharmacies to send your prescriptions straight to them so you don’t have to wait for your medications to be prepared. They’ll be ready and waiting for you as soon as you get to the pharmacy.

Another perk of telemedicine is that it tends to be a lot more affordable than traditional health care. If you’re living with a disability, you may have to spend a lot of money to make your life happy and comfortable, and you’re better off keeping that money for your self-care instead of unnecessarily spending it on doctors who are not acting in your best interests or convenience. Imagine a world where you can splurge on a fancy dinner instead of a doctor’s appointment!

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If you have a smartphone, medical professionals are now literally at your fingertips through the advent of telemedicine.

If you’re someone who has a physical disability, it will be inevitable that you will have to see doctors in person from time to time, but telemedicine gives you the flexibility to be able to see someone in more convenient circumstances. If you’re using telemedicine as well as other specialists, they will be able to be kept in the loop with one another thanks to the ways telemedical providers store their records. This also means that you’ll be able to access the records however and whenever you want to, instead of having to jump through hoops, as is often the case at a traditional primary care physician’s office.

If you are living in a remote area or you have trouble with your mobility, it can be difficult to get to your doctor’s office, especially if your physical disability is causing you additional issues. Traditional primary care physicians often have opening hours that coincide with office hours, so it’s also very difficult for people who work full-time to make their way to a doctor’s office. Telemedicine allows you to see a doctor from the comfort of your own home, meaning that you don’t have to take time off work or push your body further than it needs to go for the sake of seeing a doctor in person.

If you don’t allow your disability to hold you back in other areas of your life, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t use telemedicine to receive the best health care possible while avoiding the inconvenience of having to see a doctor in person. Telemedicine is an excellent way to empower yourself and to take back control instead of making yourself fit into a mold that just isn’t convenient for you.

6 Ways Telemedicine Will Change your Life

While telemedicine may feel like an uncertain trend to some people, the truth is that it is truly changing the way patients interact with their medical care. While telemedicine – that is, the combination of telecommunications technology with medical or diagnostic advice – has been around for about a hundred years, it is experiencing a massive boom thanks to the proliferation of smartphones. There are many reasons why using telemedicine is one of the best decisions you can make as a patient, but we’ve gathered some of the most important ones here.

1. Flexible Appointment Times

If you’re a busy professional, it can be really difficult to find time to see a doctor in their clinic or office. Most doctors do not offer flexible appointment times or opening hours and if you need to see someone, you might have to take time off work. Telemedicine means that you can see a doctor as and when you need to. Many operators offer flexible appointment times out of hours, so you can get the care you need without it impacting on your day-to-day routine.

2. Seeing a Doctor at Home

If you’re busy, it can be very appealing to be able to stay at home when you can. Telemedical appointments can be taken wherever you need them, with many patients opting to take them from the comfort of their own home. As well as being more convenient, telemedical appointments are far more comfortable than going to see a doctor in-person. This is especially important to people with disabilities or limited mobility, who may find it difficult to make their way to a doctor’s appointment. If you’re contagious, not going to a doctor’s office will also ensure that you don’t spread your illness further; it also means that you have less of a chance of picking up another infection if you have compromised immunity.

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With the advent of smartphone technology, it’s never been easier to utilize telemedicine.

3. Easier Access to Records

It can be quite difficult to see a copy of your medical records if you are a patient at a regular doctor’s clinic. It often involves a lengthy process where you have to give written permission and the clinic will often only forward your records to a new medical professional, as opposed to letting you have them yourself. Telemedicine providers often give you a profile on their homepage, which will be home to your appointment notes, general medical profile and other relevant information. This can be accessed at any time by you whenever you need it and can be easily distributed to other medical professionals if needed.

4. Ability to See Specialists

When you see a telemedicine provider, they will often specialize in a certain branch of medicine – often one that is not commonly available in regular doctor’s clinics. If you need an emotional support animal letter, for example, there are many providers online who will be able to give you medical advice. Similarly, it’s very common for patients who need medical marijuana to access telemedical services, as online providers tend to be better versed in the treatment and less susceptible to unfair prejudices surrounding unconventional treatments.

5. Syncing with Other Service Providers

There are times where your telemedical provider will be unable to provide you with the expertise needed and will refer to you another specialist. If additional services such as blood tests or X-rays are required, your telemedical professional can easily refer you on to another expert. They are also able to integrate with other medical services such as your local pharmacy, sending your prescriptions straight to them so that they’re ready and waiting for you when you get there. The integration between telemedicine and other medical service providers means that your treatment path will be clear and uncomplicated as well as far more convenient.

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Accessing medical care from the comfort of your own home is just one of the benefits of telemedicine!

6. Better Value Financially

There aren’t as many costs associated with telemedical practices as there are with traditional doctor’s offices. Their staffing and operational costs aren’t as high and they usually allow their employees to work in a freelance manner, meaning that their costs are lower. This translates to better savings for their patients and usually longer appointment times, so you’re getting far more bang for your buck. This also means that you will be able to see the doctor more frequently if needed, as financial concerns won’t be as pressing if you’re paying less per appointment.

All of this translates to easier, more convenient and flexible experiences for patients. When you’re ready to take the leap and change to telemedicine, you just need to make sure you have a smartphone and a good internet connection. Then, all you need to do is sit back and enjoy functional, flexible, and excellent health care. When you’ve made the change, anything else will seem far less practicable.

How Online Doctor Consultations Are Making Doctor’s Office Lines A Thing Of The Past

It seems completely possible that in the not-too-distant future waiting in a doctor’s office line will be an experience  that is only dimly recalled by the oldest folks in society. The advent of telemedicine means that online doctor consultations are making doctor’s office waiting lines a thing of the past.

More and more people are now living most of their lives online. And thanks to today’s super-fast broadband and mega-powerful smartphones, laptops, and tablets, people are now able to get a huge amount of their medical needs met using telemedicine systems.

Telemedicine in America has become big business, and queuing up in a doctor’s office is becoming a distant and nostalgic (sometimes they had interesting magazines!) memory for more and more people.

There is a whole host of groundbreaking telemedicine apps available now, helping people to connect with medical professionals, as well as providing things like interactive pregnancy advice and fitness and diet information. Even people’s psychological needs are now being met using telepsychiatry.

There is very little that you can’t do now online using telehealth providers. Patients can use online consultations to apply for disabled parking permits, medical marijuana prescriptions, and even emotional support animal letters.


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If you have a device such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you can take advantage of online doctor consultations and avoid the doctor’s office entirely!

The fact that you can now consult with a physician, speak to a psychologist or therapist, arrange prescriptions, and apply for disabled parking permits all online is a great development. Waiting in a doctor’s office line can be a major inconvenience for a number of reasons.

We have all had the experience of sitting in a doctor’s office with some minor ailment weighing on our mind and body; be it a sprained ankle, earache, chest infection, dodgy stomach, or some such medical complaint. And having a fear descend on us as our senses ring with the sights, sounds, and smells emanating from sick folk who are sharing the office with us, waiting to see the doctor. “That person looks infectious….” “That cough sounds contagious…” “That person smells like they might have something I could catch….” Often, we leave a doctor’s office sicker than we were when we entered, so rife are they contagious airborne infections! So, luckily for us all, online consultations are making doctor’s office lines a thing of the past.

But it’s not only the risks associated with imbibing a dense cocktail of germs and bugs that make queuing up in a busy doctor’s office an undesirable undertaking. There are many other reasons it is a wonderful perk of technology that online doctor consultations are making doctor’s office lines a thing of the past.

Firstly, most doctor’s offices are in urban areas; in the center of cities, towns, or villages. But for many folks who live outside of these urban settlements, perhaps deep in a rural wilderness, getting to a doctor’s office requires a lot of time and effort. Often a large distance must be traversed before a person who lives in a secluded location can even reach the nearest doctor’s office.

This issue of time and convenience also exists for many people who live in and around urban areas, relatively close to their nearest doctor’s office, but who lead especially hectic and busy lives with extra-tight schedules. Waiting in a doctor’s office line can be a major inconvenience for these people. It can cost them money, it can lose them clients, and it can cause them to miss deadlines.

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Consulting with a doctor online through telemedicine saves many people valuable time.


Another reason why online doctor consultations making doctor’s office lines a thing of the past is that telemedicine technology gives the patient an infinitely broader choice of which medical professionals they can consult with. This is very useful for people who do not really trust, connect with, or “click” with any of the doctors in their local area. In today’s age of easy access to information, many patients are doing their own research and educating themselves about health care online. And this is showing them that their local physician’s knowledge can, in some instances, be quite limited – especially in areas such as nutrition and functional medicine.

For this reason, many people do not want to wait in a doctor’s office line twiddling their thumbs, only to be given some old-fashioned, out-of-date advice from their behind-the-times family doctor (who hasn’t read a new study or piece of research in decades!). For these people, using telemedicine for an online doctor consultation with a specialist who may be located very far away, but who understands the most recent literature, is invaluable.

In short, the internet has revolutionized the world of medicine. We now have numerous ways and means to get our medical needs met online. And for more and more people, doctor’s office lines are very much a thing of the past.

Telemedicine and the New Revolution: How Smartphones are Empowering Patients

Smartphones have truly changed the world that we live in. You can now find a date, have your laundry picked up, and order dinner from the comfort of your sofa, but what many people don’t know is that you can even see a doctor or other medical professional through your phone in a practice called telemedicine.

Telemedicine is the combination of diagnostic or medical advice with telecommunications technology. It may seem like a relatively new phenomenon, but it has been around since the proliferation of telecommunications technology. While it has traditionally been used in specialized cases such as warzones, the emergence of smartphones means that telemedicine is being widely used by more and more people.

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It’s never been easier to access health care without actually having to visit the doctor.

The truth is that traditional health care just isn’t working for average patients anymore. If you work a nine-to-five job, chances are you have to take time off work if you need to see a doctor, as most clinics do not have extended opening hours. This is completely inconvenient – but luckily, telemedicine offers a different approach. Usually, you can see a telemedical doctor at a flexible time, as they can work various hours from different locations. This means that you don’t have to interrupt your busy life to make your health care work for you.

Another inconvenience for some patients is the location of their doctor. For patients who live in cities plagued by traffic or for those who live in remote areas, it can be massively inconvenient and stressful to make your way to the doctor’s office. With telemedicine, you speak to a doctor from the location of your choice through your smartphone, so it’s a lot more convenient and comfortable. This is also a big consideration for patients with disabilities or limited mobility who are just not as comfortable traveling long distances to see a doctor.

Access to information is also a big benefit on the side of telemedicine. While it can be tricky to access your records in a traditional doctor’s office, telemedical providers make it quick and easy to be able to see your patient file. Usually, when signing up to a telemedicine provider, you will be asked to create a profile that is linked to your email address. This profile will also serve as a home for your medical information. This means that instead of going through an arduous process to access your medical records or to have them transferred to another clinic, you will be able to check up on your patient history easily and with the click of a mouse.

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Technology and telemedicine have begun to transform health care as we know it.

The process of using telemedicine is very simple. Firstly, you sign up to a telemedical provider. This is usually a very simple process that takes no longer than a few minutes. Then, you will either schedule an appointment or go to a “walk-in” service. Either way, you may be asked to enter a virtual waiting room and when the doctor is ready to see you, you will be connected to them. From here, it’s very much like a traditional visit to the doctor. They will speak to you via the camera function on your smartphone and discuss why you need to see a doctor. You can use the camera to show them physical symptoms and if you’re in need of further testing, they can refer you to a specialist for blood testing, scans, or other necessary tests that you might need.

The other huge positive for patients in telemedicine is the convenience and flexibility of telemedical doctors. Most telemedical services will send your prescription straight to your pharmacy for you so you don’t have to go out of your way to pick it up. It’s as easy as walking into your nearest dispensary and picking up a prescription that’s ready and waiting. If you are being referred for further testing, all arrangements will be made ahead of time and your relevant records will be provided to your secondary medical professional ahead of time. This is on top of the convenience of being able to see a doctor from the comfort of your own home through your smartphone. Telemedicine is truly a service that centers patients by understanding their busy lives and providing an alternative to traditional health care that works for them.

It is not an exaggeration to say that telemedicine is massively empowering patients. By allowing greater flexibility and providing health care that suits patients as and when they need it, telemedicine is bridging the gap between health care and technology and allowing patients to access the best care available to them while being affordable, convenient, and secure. What’s not to love?

When to Choose Between Telemedicine and Seeing a Doctor in Person

With advances in technology, there are more opportunities than ever to get your health care needs met with telemedicine. Instead of seeing a doctor in person, you have multiple options of consulting with your doctor, getting diagnoses, and managing your treatment all by using telemedicine. Whether you’re emailing with questions or having a video consultation with your doctor, telemedicine allows patients like you to access health care without stepping foot outside your house. Here are some guidelines to help you choose between using telemedicine and seeing a doctor in person.

Choose telemedicine if you:

Live in a rural area

Folks residing in rural areas used to miss out on getting the health care they needed if their doctor (or specialists) were too far away from their homes. However, with telemedicine, patients can access their medical professionals without having to figure out how to get to appointments. So, even if you live in a rural area, your health care needs can be met no matter how remote your residence is (or how limited the health care options are in your area).

Don’t have reliable transportation

If you don’t have access to reliable or consistent forms of transportation, getting to and from doctor’s appointments or trips to the hospital can be complicated and challenging. Instead, with telemedicine, you can contact your health care professionals even if you don’t have a way to physically get to an appointment. This is also a better option if you don’t have funds to spend on transportation or travel, since paying for public transportation can sometimes put a strain on your finances. Telemedicine can make getting health care both an easier and cheaper process for you.

Have mobility issues

Even if you have access to a handicap parking permit, it can often still be a challenge to get to the doctor’s office if you have mobility issues. Telemedicine is a great option if it’s too difficult for you to get yourself out of the house for appointments, because you can conduct all of your dealings with your medical professionals without ever having to leave your home.

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There are many reasons why using telemedicine rather than in-person doctor’s visits might benefit you.

Don’t have time to make for an appointment

If you’re extremely busy and just don’t have time to make it to a doctor’s appointment, telemedicine allows you to schedule communications with your doctor only when it fits into your schedule. Plus, you don’t have to spend time traveling to the appointment or waiting in a doctor’s office. It’s also less time-consuming, because you can just email your doctors with questions or concerns instead of scheduling an in-person appointment.

Don’t have access to specific specialists or teams

Patients used to be limited to whatever specialists were in their area. But with telemedicine, you can access any specialists or health care teams that you might need for your particular treatment. That way you’re able to connect with the very best medical professionals for your specific needs – all without having to leave your home!

Can monitor your symptoms/condition remotely

If your doctor needs to be keeping a close eye on your health, telemedicine can be a great way for them to monitor you. There are devices that can be used to transfer your data directly to your doctor (like your blood glucose levels, pacemaker updates, etc.), so they can keep track of your data without you having to make constant trips into the office. Also, physicians can request that you send updates to them about your progress, which allows them to monitor your overall health even from a distance and helps them provide necessary follow-up advice.

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Some conditions might require in-person doctor visits rather than solely relying on telemedicine appointments.

See a doctor in person if you:

Have a condition that needs close in-person monitoring

There are a few reasons you might want to see a doctor in person rather than connecting remotely through telemedicine. If you have a condition or diagnosis that makes it necessary for your doctor to monitor you in person, telemedicine might not be the right option for you. Sometimes there are tests or physical determinations that need to be made with an in-person office visit.

Want face-to-face contact for a better connection

If you’d like to make sure you’re forming a strong connection with your doctor, you might feel it’s necessary to see a doctor in person. This type of face-to-face contact can be essential if an element of trust is pertinent to your treatment or your overall wellbeing.

Aren’t comfortable using technology

You don’t have to be a computer expert to benefit from telemedicine. However, if you’re uncomfortable using computers or smartphones for email or video chats, you might feel more confident sticking to in-person visits.

Your insurance only covers in-person appointments

It’s a possibility that some insurance plans only cover in-person visits. While this is not common (most insurance companies can reduce costs through telemedicine measures), you should check with your insurance company to see if only in-person visits are covered under your plan before you start using telemedicine options.

Whether you want to access your health care team using telemedicine or you’d rather see your doctor in person, there are many options to choose from to make sure you’re getting the very best care possible.

No Time To Get To The Doctor’s Office? Pick Up A Phone And Use Telemedicine Instead

Once upon a time, if you wanted to go to the doctor, you would have to literally go to the doctor. But thankfully, that is no longer the case. With the advent of telecommunications came the capability for some basic medical work to be done over the phone, mainly rudimentary diagnosis. Now, with telecommunication technologies having developed at astonishing rates, the capabilities of our telecommunication services have allowed a form of medicine called telemedicine to quickly develop and flourish. Telemedicine is the science of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention all done remotely through a multifaceted approach of audio, video, imaging, and text. It aims to help those patients who would otherwise struggle to get medical help due to their isolated location.

If you’re someone who lives in a rural area with no access to a medical health practitioner, or someone with limited mobility for whom traveling is difficult, then telemedicine is precisely what you need. No longer is there a need to travel great distances in pain to see a doctor. Instead, you can get care as quickly as it takes to call a telemedical center. At this point, you’re probably wondering what the efficacy of telemedicine is comparative to traditional medicine. We understand that however convenient the form of medical help, nothing replaces effectiveness when it comes to one’s health. Let us put your mind at rest: many studies have proven the efficacy of telemedicine to be comparable to that of traditional medicine in many areas. Your doctor will be able to advise you on when and where telemedicine is a viable option for you, but if you’re someone with a smartphone, you have a huge amount of technological power in the palm of your hand – and health practitioners can tap into that technology to help track, diagnose, and treat any illnesses or diseases you may have.

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With telemedicine, you can have a virtual doctor in your pocket as long as you’ve got access to a smartphone!

Mobile Collaboration

Mobile collaboration technology provides health care practitioners in multiple locations the ability to share information and work together on patient issues.

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring significantly reduces the need for outpatient visits and facilitates remote prescription verification. This has the potential to significantly reduce the overall cost of medical care for both patients and the health care system.

Reduction in Infectious Diseases

If the idea of a health professional contracting an infectious disease from another patient and passing it onto you has you squirming, you’ll love telemedicine! It eliminates the possible transmission of infectious diseases or parasites between patients and health professionals as they do not come into contact with one another.

Embarrassed By Your Malady?

We understand that some maladies are more embarrassing to be seen with than others. And if you happen to have an embarrassing illness, disease, or wound, the thought of sitting in a doctor’s office may be overwhelming. That feeling of overwhelm may make you put off actually getting the help you need. In this instance, telemedicine is an ideal solution to your embarrassment. You will still have to share information and video/images with your doctor, but you can rest assured doctor-patient confidentiality will guarantee it doesn’t leave your communications.

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All you need is a smartphone or tablet to access the medical care you require.

Suffering From a Chronic Illness?

Suffering from a chronic illness is difficult enough without having to deal with frequent journeys to medical centers. It can be extremely difficult to motivate yourself to make those journeys, regardless of how helpful they may be. Delaying the treatment of any illness or disease can lead it to becoming unmanageable. But with telemedicine, you can alleviate some of your pain by receiving help from the comfort of your home. Subsequently, you’ll be more likely to have the motivation necessary to ensure you stay diligent in administering any drugs or care.


With telemedicine, pharmacists can deliver medical prescriptions digitally. It’s particularly useful with chronic illnesses that require repeat prescriptions. Telepharmacy pharmaceuticals can be delivered at retail pharmacy sites or through hospitals, nursing homes, or other medical care facilities – wherever is easiest for the patient in question.

Reducing Patient Costs

It is easy to see how the use of telemedicine can reduce patient costs by reducing travel costs, as well as reducing unnecessary health care costs for the government through more timely and efficient electronic doctor visits, avoidance of unneeded ER trips, and nonadherence. All this leads to lower health care costs for patients.

Extended Access

With many areas of health care now using telemedicine, medical practices can consult with niche, specialist medical practitioners when trying to diagnose or treat patient illnesses and diseases far more rapidly. This means diagnosis and subsequent care comes about quicker and leads to far quicker recovery.

So what are you waiting for? It’s never been easier to pick up the phone and get your ailments, illnesses, wounds, and diseases cured or managed all from the comfort of your home. And it’s all thanks to the wonders of modern telecommunications and the technological innovations they have allowed within telemedicine.

How Telemedicine is Revolutionizing the Medical World

Telemedicine may appear to be a new-fangled technology that is coming to destroy the jobs of established medical professionals, but the truth is that it’s been around for a long time and is just experiencing a renaissance thanks to smartphone technology. While people may be slightly fearful of what they don’t know, the reality is that telemedicine has the potential to change everything, both for patients and for doctors.

Simply put, telemedicine is the combination of telecommunications technology with medicine. It allows medical professionals to deliver diagnostic and medical advice over telecommunications technology. In earlier instances, technology such as radio and traditional telephones were used, particularly in rural areas and in war and combat environments. Nowadays, telemedicine is using smartphone technology to provide the best health care possible to all kinds of patients.

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Telemedicine is revolutionizing the way doctors and patients communicate.

If you’re wondering how a telemedical appointment even works, you’re not alone. Luckily, the process is very simple for both patients and medical professionals. If you’re a patient, you can access a telemedical doctor via an online service. Depending on the service, you can either make an appointment or “walk in” to see someone. If you need to wait, you may have to stay in a virtual meeting room, but once you’re connected to a medical professional, they will conduct your appointment via your phone, usually by video chat. It is just like an in-person appointment. They will ask about your symptoms, your lifestyle, and any treatments that you may have administered to yourself at home. If they need to take your heart rate or blood pressure, you may have to visit a pharmacist to administer these tests, but otherwise, the appointment is very similar to an in-person consultation.

Your telemedical doctor will diagnose you and if you need a prescription, it can be sent directly to your pharmacist so you don’t have to worry about losing it. The best thing about telemedicine is that it takes a lot of the stress out of the hands of patients. It also caters to patients who may not be able to properly access traditional health care. If you have mobility issues, including physical disabilities, it is easier to receive medical advice over your smartphone as opposed to having to leave the house several times a month. It can also be very helpful for people suffering from mental or emotional conditions that may prevent them from being able to leave the house. Many mentally ill people are unable to access health care due to their social isolation, but telemedicine can help them to get the medical advice that they sorely need.

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With smartphone technology, the possibilities for telemedical advances are endless.

Technological advances mean that you don’t even need a high-end smartphone to access telemedicine. Given that most phones these days have cameras and access to app stores, you are likely to have access to the technology that you need to get medical advice via telemedicine. It’s also very easy for medical professionals, as they likely only need a smartphone or a laptop themselves to be able to help patients. All both parties need is a camera and an internet connection to be able to make the relationship work. This flexibility means that doctors can work the hours that suit them as opposed to being slaves to strict clinical schedules, and that patients can see a doctor at a time that doesn’t interfere with their day-to-day lives. Given that we use our phones to manage most aspects of our lives, why wouldn’t we use it to easily track our medical progress?

Telemedicine also delivers information directly into the hands of patients. In a traditional clinical setting, your records are stored either physically or digitally in the doctor’s office, and you are unlikely to be able to access them without filing a special request. With telemedicine, your records are usually stored within your profile on the website that you use – and you can check your prescription or your consultation notes whenever you want. This process gives the power back to patients and means that you are not tied to a certain clinic because if you need to change service providers, your information is right there waiting for you.

Telemedicine is already changing so much in the medical world, both for patients and for doctors. It is allowing flexibility, empowering patients, and making it easier than ever to access real medical advice. It’s the best way for patients to be able to access health care in an easy and flexible way that doesn’t impinge too much on their lives, and doctors are able to access a larger and more diverse pool of patients as well as being able to work far more flexibly. It seems like an obvious choice for everyone – so what’s holding you back?

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