Telemedicine Can Help You Get A Handicap Parking Permit: 5 Easy Steps

The recent revolution in telemedicine is making life much easier for patients. Receiving medical treatment has never been more simple and efficient than it is today.

Telemedicine, meaning health care that is provided from a distance using technology such as a smartphone, laptop, or any other mobile device, has become hugely popular over the past few years. Today, the vast majority of people have a highly powerful personal computer within arm’s reach 24 hours a day. Modern smartphones and tablets now contain computers that are far more advanced than the computers we used to get to the moon in the 1960s!

This means that medical consultations can now be done via modern technology. Using just a smartphone, a patient can consult with a doctor over any distance effectively and safely. The patient and doctor can use live video links and share images and health informatics data securely and instantly.

Telemedicine can work for everybody. It is particularly helpful for people who live in remote locations. It is also great for people who are stuck for time, because they lead very busy lives or because they need to consult with a doctor quickly, as it is much speedier and more time-efficient than meeting with a doctor in person. Another great thing about telemedicine is that it allows a patient to have a much wider choice of who they consult with. No longer is a patient only able to avail of health care professionals in their local area – using telemedicine, they can consult with doctors anywhere in the country.

One group of people that benefits particularly from the revolution in telemedicine are disabled parking permit users. Telemedicine has made it much easier than ever before to get a handicap parking permit.

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There’s no longer any need to travel to obtain your handicap parking permit!

Handicap parking permits are issued by all 52 states and allow their users to park in strategically located parking spaces, providing easy access to buildings and facilities that would otherwise be difficult to access if the person had to park a further distance away. There is a long list of disabilities and medical conditions that qualify a person to get a handicap parking permit. Many people around the country qualify for one but don’t realize it, and so have yet to avail of this life-enhancing service.

If you have limited mobility, a disabled parking permit will really improve your quality of life, and thanks to telemedicine, getting a permit has never been easier!

Here is how you can use telemedicine to help you get a handicap parking permit in just five easy steps.

Step 1: Establish that You Have a Qualifying Medical Condition

The list of qualifying conditions varies by state, but there are a bunch of conditions that qualify a person in every state. It is also largely up to the discretion of the telemedicine doctor you consult with. Here is a list of conditions that every state recognizes as qualifying a person for a handicap parking permit:

  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Chronic inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus
  • Being an amputee
  • Arthritis
  • Respiratory problems
  • Any condition that requires the use of a portable oxygen tank
  • Any condition that necessitates the use of a wheelchair, crutches, cane, walking frame, walking stick or Zimmer frame
  • Acute sensitivity to sunlight
  • Bad hearing or eyesight

If your condition resembles any of these, then you are very likely to qualify for a parking permit in your state.

Step 2: Make an Online Appointment with a Health Care Professional

Once you have established that you are a potential candidate for a handicap parking permit, the next step is to book a telemedicine consultation online. The consultation can be done over the phone from the comfort of your own home. So click here and book an appointment at a time that is most convenient for you. It’s very simple.

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Telemedicine has made it so much easier to consult with a doctor and get your disabled parking permit online.

Step 3: Do the Consultation

When the time of your scheduled consultation arrives, be available and ready. A relaxed and friendly chat with a health care professional from the secure surrounding of your own home can be a surprisingly enjoyable experience. The doctor will discuss your condition with you and explain your options. At the end of the consultation they will let you know if you qualify for a handicap parking permit.

Step 4: Download the Department of Motor Vehicles Application Form and Complete It

After your telemedicine consultation, the next step is to go to the DMV website and download the application form for a handicap parking permit in your state. It is a simple form – just print it out and fill it in.

Step 5: Post the Doctor’s Letter and the Form Back to the DMV

Once you receive your telemedicine doctor’s letter of recommendation, put the letter and the DMV application form together in an envelope and post it back to the DMV. They will process it (it usually takes a week or two) and send you back your shiny new disabled parking permit. You can now use handicap parking spaces.

As you can see, this is an easy process. If you think you might qualify, it could be well worth looking into. A disabled parking permit makes life much easier!

Why Telemedicine is Perfect for Patients with Limited Mobility

Telemedicine is the perfect solution for patients with limited mobility who face many limitations in their lives. The advent of modern telecommunications technologies means that our lives are easier than ever to navigate. Everything we do can now be made more convenient through our smartphones. From ordering groceries to paying bills, it’s now easier than ever to manage our lives, so medicine is the next logical step. Patients are finding it much easier to manage their medical conditions and their associated treatments by using telemedicine to keep track of their medical records, see a doctor at a convenient time both inside of and outside of working hours, and receive medical and diagnostic advice in a comfortable environment.

Telemedicine is the combination of telecommunications technology with diagnostic and medical advice. It has been utilized since telecommunications technology was established but it is only now, with the advent of smartphones, that patients are truly getting the most they can out of telemedicine. With busier lives, doctors can no longer expect patients to fit in with their inflexible clinical hours or to travel long distances to clinics. While these observations are valid for patients without disabilities, telemedicine can truly revolutionize the lives of people with limited mobility.

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If you have limited mobility, telemedicine is the perfect solution for your health care needs.


Limited mobility can be a result of many conditions and means that the sufferer is limited in how they can move and travel. It covers conditions such as paralysis and can be caused by trauma, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, obesity, and other conditions. People with limited mobility can often live happy and fulfilled lives but must make certain changes to their lifestyles in order to accommodate their disability. Using telemedicine is just another accommodation that makes things much easier for people with limited mobility.

Using telemedicine for medical advice means that people with limited mobility do not have to leave the house to access their doctor. While those with limited mobility do not have to be housebound and usually live full and active lives, the ability to be able to cut out an unnecessary doctor’s visit can be very helpful. By utilizing telemedicine, patients can speak to their doctors via the video chat function on their smartphones, meaning that they can be more comfortable in their surroundings. Being able to see a doctor from home was usually only reserved for the very ill or the very rich, but the advent of telemedicine today means that anyone can access this luxury as long as they have a smartphone.

Telemedical doctor’s appointments are conducted via a smartphone. You can either dial on and see a doctor immediately, or you may have to wait in a virtual waiting room. Once you have been connected to a doctor, you will use video chat to have your appointment. You’ll be surprised by how easily you’ll get used to this new process and how comfortable you will be in speaking to a doctor via your phone. You may actually find it easier to confide in a doctor via telemedicine as you aren’t there in person. Following your appointment, the doctor can send you for further testing at a hospital or pharmacy or can send your prescription directly to your pharmacy, which means it will be ready for you when you visit. This means you will face fewer delays when picking up your medication.

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There’s nothing like the convenience of using your smartphone to liaise with your health care professional!

For people with limited mobility, the freedom of a telemedicine doctor can be liberating. It allows you to see a doctor at your own convenience, without the hassle of visiting a doctor’s surgery. For people with compromised immunity, it can also lessen the chance of picking up an opportunistic infection from another ill person at a doctor’s clinic, which means that you are less likely to require further hospitalization and disruption to your life.

Telemedicine also means that your medical records are more accessible to you. Usually in a traditional clinical setting, you have to request your records and have them sent to you or to another clinician that you wish to provide them to. Telemedicine providers usually associate your medical records with your profile on the website, where they can be accessed at any time. This means that you are more empowered to manage your medical care and you have all information relating to your medical history at your fingertips.

Telemedicine is the ideal solution for anyone with limited mobility. You will feel like you’re taking control of your medical treatment in a way that lets you mold your medical care around your life instead of the other way around. Your time is precious and shouldn’t be wasted in waiting rooms. Patients should not be at the mercy of doctors, so take back control by making use of telemedicine!

Telemedicine Makes Getting a Disabled Parking Permit Easy!

Many people in the United States require the use of handicap parking spaces, and thanks to modern technology, getting a disabled parking permit with the aid of telemedicine is now simpler than ever before. Telemedicine is truly revolutionizing access to handicap parking permits.

“Telemedicine” is the word used to describe any type of medicine done from a distance using modern mobile technology. More and more members of the medical profession are offering their services to patients remotely using video links, Skype, and phone communication. Using powerful computer technology that is now available to everybody in the form of modern smartphones, laptops, mobile devices, and tablets, it is now easy for a doctor to communicate quickly, efficiently, and safely with a patient, even transmitting health informatics data and images over long distances instantaneously.

There are potentially millions of American citizens who qualify for disabled parking space permits. Parking permits are available for people who require them in all 52 states. But many people whose lives would be made much easier by the use of a handicap parking permit do not realize that they qualify for one, and so they go through unnecessary toil and struggle without one – often for years and years. It is an unfortunate situation, but one that telemedicine is going a great distance towards fixing.

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Getting a disabled parking permit has been made much easier over recent years thanks to the advent of telemedicine.

The qualifying conditions for a getting a disabled parking permit vary from state to state. But they vary only slightly, and there are a host of health conditions that qualify a patient for a handicap driving permit in all US states.

The health conditions that qualify a patient in every state are: heart disease; arthritis; significant obesity; respiratory problems such as lung disease or emphysema; any illness that requires the use of a portable oxygen tank; bad eyesight or hearing; any chronic inflammatory disease (such as Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus); being an amputee; suffering from an acute sensitivity to sunlight that leads to a blistering or burning of the skin; having any injury or condition that means a person cannot walk a certain (state-decided) distance without needing to stop for a rest; and simply requiring the use of a Zimmer frame, walking stick, cane, crutches, or wheelchair to get around.

If you have any of these conditions, you are probably entitled to a handicap parking permit, no matter what state you live in.

To go about getting a disabled parking permit, you first need to have a consultation with a health care practitioner and obtain a letter stating that you require a parking permit. A letter from a doctor, physician, nurse, doctor’s assistant, optometrist or other type of health care professional will do the trick. Once you have your disabled parking permit letter, you fill in an application form and send the form and letter to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

An obvious problem that many people face is that most of the qualifying health conditions and disabilities make mobility difficult, and so getting to the doctor’s office in the first place can be quite an ordeal. This is where telemedicine comes in extremely handy.

Using telemedicine, a patient can do their consultation online or over the phone with a registered health care professional. The health care professional can then issue them with a letter of recommendation. This is very good news for patients who are immobile, because it means that getting a disabled parking permit is possible without leaving the comfort of their own home.

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Thanks to telemedicine, there’s no longer a need for patients to travel great distances for treatment or consultation!

But immobility is not the only reason why using telemedicine is a far easier way for many patients to gain access to life-enhancing handicap parking permits. If a patient needs a disabled parking permit in a hurry, or if they just have busy lives and need to save as much time as possible, then doing their parking permit consultation using telemedicine is hugely helpful. The whole process is much less time-consuming when done using remote technology.

If a patient lives in an area with a very limited selection of health care professionals (or the available professionals have very long waiting lists), then by using telemedicine they immediately gain access to many more health care provider options. They can now consult with doctors or physicians from different areas, giving themselves a far wider selection to choose from.

Telemedicine makes it remarkably easy for people who live in very remote areas to do a consultation in only a few minutes (whereas in the past it would have required many hours of grueling travel). This is a luxury that folks who live in the deep desert or Alaskan wilds are certainly not used to, but it is improving their lives no end!

It is fair to say that telemedicine is revolutionizing access to handicap parking permits, and in the process, making life a little bit easier for a great many people who deserve a little helping hand!

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