Once upon a time, if you wanted to go to the doctor, you would have to literally go to the doctor. But thankfully, that is no longer the case. With the advent of telecommunications came the capability for some basic medical work to be done over the phone, mainly rudimentary diagnosis. Now, with telecommunication technologies having developed at astonishing rates, the capabilities of our telecommunication services have allowed a form of medicine called telemedicine to quickly develop and flourish. Telemedicine is the science of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention all done remotely through a multifaceted approach of audio, video, imaging, and text. It aims to help those patients who would otherwise struggle to get medical help due to their isolated location.
If you’re someone who lives in a rural area with no access to a medical health practitioner, or someone with limited mobility for whom traveling is difficult, then telemedicine is precisely what you need. No longer is there a need to travel great distances in pain to see a doctor. Instead, you can get care as quickly as it takes to call a telemedical center. At this point, you’re probably wondering what the efficacy of telemedicine is comparative to traditional medicine. We understand that however convenient the form of medical help, nothing replaces effectiveness when it comes to one’s health. Let us put your mind at rest: many studies have proven the efficacy of telemedicine to be comparable to that of traditional medicine in many areas. Your doctor will be able to advise you on when and where telemedicine is a viable option for you, but if you’re someone with a smartphone, you have a huge amount of technological power in the palm of your hand – and health practitioners can tap into that technology to help track, diagnose, and treat any illnesses or diseases you may have.

With telemedicine, you can have a virtual doctor in your pocket as long as you’ve got access to a smartphone!
Mobile Collaboration
Mobile collaboration technology provides health care practitioners in multiple locations the ability to share information and work together on patient issues.
Remote Patient Monitoring
Remote patient monitoring significantly reduces the need for outpatient visits and facilitates remote prescription verification. This has the potential to significantly reduce the overall cost of medical care for both patients and the health care system.
Reduction in Infectious Diseases
If the idea of a health professional contracting an infectious disease from another patient and passing it onto you has you squirming, you’ll love telemedicine! It eliminates the possible transmission of infectious diseases or parasites between patients and health professionals as they do not come into contact with one another.
Embarrassed By Your Malady?
We understand that some maladies are more embarrassing to be seen with than others. And if you happen to have an embarrassing illness, disease, or wound, the thought of sitting in a doctor’s office may be overwhelming. That feeling of overwhelm may make you put off actually getting the help you need. In this instance, telemedicine is an ideal solution to your embarrassment. You will still have to share information and video/images with your doctor, but you can rest assured doctor-patient confidentiality will guarantee it doesn’t leave your communications.

All you need is a smartphone or tablet to access the medical care you require.
Suffering From a Chronic Illness?
Suffering from a chronic illness is difficult enough without having to deal with frequent journeys to medical centers. It can be extremely difficult to motivate yourself to make those journeys, regardless of how helpful they may be. Delaying the treatment of any illness or disease can lead it to becoming unmanageable. But with telemedicine, you can alleviate some of your pain by receiving help from the comfort of your home. Subsequently, you’ll be more likely to have the motivation necessary to ensure you stay diligent in administering any drugs or care.
With telemedicine, pharmacists can deliver medical prescriptions digitally. It’s particularly useful with chronic illnesses that require repeat prescriptions. Telepharmacy pharmaceuticals can be delivered at retail pharmacy sites or through hospitals, nursing homes, or other medical care facilities – wherever is easiest for the patient in question.
Reducing Patient Costs
It is easy to see how the use of telemedicine can reduce patient costs by reducing travel costs, as well as reducing unnecessary health care costs for the government through more timely and efficient electronic doctor visits, avoidance of unneeded ER trips, and nonadherence. All this leads to lower health care costs for patients.
Extended Access
With many areas of health care now using telemedicine, medical practices can consult with niche, specialist medical practitioners when trying to diagnose or treat patient illnesses and diseases far more rapidly. This means diagnosis and subsequent care comes about quicker and leads to far quicker recovery.
So what are you waiting for? It’s never been easier to pick up the phone and get your ailments, illnesses, wounds, and diseases cured or managed all from the comfort of your home. And it’s all thanks to the wonders of modern telecommunications and the technological innovations they have allowed within telemedicine.